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Hello everyone, it's been a while now since I made the repair of the car, I can tell you that from that day on it hasn't happened. The machine has never shut down, even after 2h in a row.
The problem for me was the control unit under the steering. I leave here the code of my ECU, maybe it is easier to find it:


8P0 953549k 

0070 SW

037 HW


This problem appeared to another person with the same car but slightly different symptoms and a pre restyling version, he too was able to solve it by changing it and it has not happened since that day (some months ago)



On 12/28/2024 at 9:14 PM, Sid2020 said:

Totally understand, only raised the battery issue due to a previous post, I carry out electrical and programming/coding repairs every day as part of my job and often use the phrase @ im sure” instead of saying “i know” as it often comes back to bite, I know that the BEM battery code is a VAG system but wouldn’t rule out a another vehicle manufacture adopting the system, sorry for any confusion as only won’t to provide help or direction to users 

Hi BEM codes are peculiar to any vehicle using VAG software, Bentley and Lamborghini being amongst them Ford and GM use a battery counter system which can be reset on the dash pod, Alfa Romeo use multiple model systems but they are all basically counter systems with different modes of reset, and then you have the Mito which requires Fiat Multiscan to reset it, as you pointed the BEM coding is a VAG system which is why its a source of many discussions on this site, its what their system demands to ensure longevity of the battery, yes not many batteries come with a new code but it is easy enough to make a new code from the existing code just by changing the last two digits of the old code, therefore the ECU recognises the new code and informs the BEM which relearns its charging values taking in the voltage maintenance of the new unit.


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