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Air suspension front top mount thread insert needed


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Hello everyone. In the process of replacing the top track arm I had to drop the complete air suspension/ damper assembly and whilst doing so, one of the screws that holds in onto the body on top snapped. The good news is that the assembly is out, but after trying a few different things to try to remove the remains of the broken boltiwas not successful and am now stuck. The semi-good news is that the bolt threads into a steel insert which has dropped out in the process. To get myself unstuck without having to buy another air spring/ damper assembly, all I need is the threaded steel insert. I wondered if anyone here has a broken strut assembly they would not mind pushing the insert out (comes out easy with an hammer tap from the top with the bolt inserted) and helping out? I am happy to pay something for it. The issue is that this part is not sold/ listed anywhere I can find. Photo attached for reference of where the inserts are. Thanks for any help!


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Welcome, and thanks for joining Luis, 

A possible way forward:- 

Can you carefully grind away whatever anchors the threaded insert into the suspension mounting? 
If so, you could then Araldite a new nut in its place into which you can screw the new high tensile replacement bolt. All you need to be able to achieve is that the nut doesn’t turn while you are !Removed! the bolt into it. 
Possibly better option to make sure it doesn’t turn would be to get someone to put a tack with on the new nut, but either option should work. 
I would make sure you buy the correct high tensile bolt and equally importantly, a good quality nut. 
Kind regards,


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Hi Gareth, thanks for the reply. I know I could go off and try to fabricate something but as everything else on the suspension assy is ok, all I really need is to replace that threaded insert - if only I could find one! I wish I could just walk into a scrapyard and rummage for one but that seems impossible these days, plus damaged air suspensions probably get crushed as soon as they are removed… it just seems absolutely ridiculous to scrap a new part for what is a 2p part… I’ll see if I have any luck in the next few days before escalating this…

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Sorry to come over as pessimistic, but chances of finding a separate mount? On here?? 
If it were mine, I would be actioning now - what I have suggested.

Anyway Luis, good luck with your quest.

Perhaps you could let us know the outcome.

Kind regards,


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