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Loss of Favourites in MMI


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Hi, I've just bought a brand new Q3 and have immediately noticed that the MMI system does not retain the radio stations set up in Favourites after the ignition has been switched off and left for half an hour or so. Defaults to a random radio station. Happens intermittently but regularly.  Also seems to sometimes lose the Bluetooth connection and phone favourites. The system also seems to go regularly go back to what looks like a start page even though it recognises the key user. . Obviously I will take it back to the dealer but has anyone else had this experience and do you have any ideas? Thanks

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      I've just bought a brand new 2024  Q3 but have discovered that after setting up radio stations in Favourites, those Favourites regularly disappear after the ignition has been switched off for 30 minutes are so, and on re-starting the ignition, the MMI system seems to revert to a start-up page and a random radio station; even thought it acknowledges there is a key user set up. Has anyone else experienced this or have any ideas? Obviously, I'll take it back to the dealer. Thanks in advance.




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Hi, I have just come across your post. I have a brand new A3 S-line black edition.  I have the same problem, it happens at least once per day for me.  No-one seems to have a definitive answer.

Edited by GregDeR7
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Took delivery of a new A3 SLine 35 TFSI in mid June and within 5 days I was reporting exactly the same problem. After poor technical service from my dealership the general sales manager became involved.  Car was booked in for a couple of days.  Been told it is a known problem and Audi Germany are supposedly working on a fix.  I have been given a timescale of 1 month - we'll see!!!  I would suggest anyone experiencing the same problem contacts their dealership and tell them you want it sorting.  The more complaints Audi get then we might get a resolution quicker

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Thank you David. That's very helpful to know. My dealer replicated the issue and sent a technical service message to Audi. Audi immediately have come back and said to delay me bringing it in to the workshop as they don't yet have a fix. But hopefully they are indeed working on it, although if you trawl through the web you'll find this issue seems to have been around for quite aa while. Like you, I'm going to keep the pressure on.  If you do get it fixed please let me know! Graeme

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37 minutes ago, GregDeR7 said:

Hi, I have just come across your post. I have a brand new A3 S-line black edition.  I have the same problem, it happens at least once per day for me.  No-one seems to have a definitive answer.

Hi Greg, Hopefully you can see my reply of a few minutes ago. As David (Snowman) said, hopefully if we all go back to our dealerships and put the pressure on, something will get done by Audi. Graeme

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As Greg and Graeme say, need to put pressure on.  I did notice comments on other forums detailing similar type problems on older cars.  I certainly haven't had these problems on previous A3's and I am a big radio listener when driving.  From my point of view, is that I don't think my dealership took me seriously, hoping I would 'go away'. I basically lost a week with their lack of interest. A customer complaint letter went off last night so I recommend you do the same if your dealership mess you around.  They badger us for a good review and 5 stars in the sales survey so when things fail they must be told and bluntly so.

I will post on and further developments



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