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3 faults in one.


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Hello - whoever-? 

It has been rightly pointed out that we are friendly (and helpful) group on here, and I fully agree that we can be, and indeed usually are.

My current personal approach is that I have decided I will not respond to any poster/post where the first-time-poster cannot be bothered/objects to, taking a small amount of their time to even complete their profile, before asking good folks on here to help them - especially when that plea comes without the courtesy of a please or thank you. 
Kind regards,


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Well said Gareth.

For many months I have not responded to questions that are written in what I call "text speak". Sentences without a scrap of punctuation and little or no grammar. Anything in fact that requires me to decypher it into English. If the questioner cannot be bothered to write a comprehensible query, why should I make the effort to assist?


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Oh dear ....  I do respond with a much appreciated thankyou once I receive a point in the right direction but shall move on and delete the Forum Membership. Thanks for your help....

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