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Afternoon all, just had my car in for a gearbox service followed with a full service and MOT. My mechanic has found corrosion on the subframe and I’m looking to get this sorted. I can find a replacement front subframe with relative ease, but wondered if any of you know how long and how bad a job it is to do?

thanks as always for any advice with this 👍🏻


Hello Chris,

So it’s failed its MOT, and the subframe has to be replaced now-? How did it pass last year? 
Cost? Not sure but I would think it could be a full day’s work x his hourly rate. 
Perhaps you could come back to us.

Kind regards,



Passed the MOT - as they cannot remove the panels underneath as part of the regs - my mechanic picked up on it after removing them himself when doing the service. It’s not completely “gone” but needs doing very soon. I’ve only had it since April and this is the first time that any work has been done on it since I bought it. The subframe I can pick up for around £200 as opposed to the £1200+ vat that VW/Audi want for a brand new one. Seen a couple of varying times to do it ranging from 4-8 hours. If that’s the case I can take that hit - it’s not great but I very much want to keep the car. 

It’s just really strange that there’s no other corrosion around it and everything else was dry - it also help with my understanding as to a possible earthing fault that’s causing some minor issues relating to the horn and the external temperature sensor. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Steve, There’s quite a few on the internet- the issue I have is tying the mechanic down to ensure I’m buying correct one and getting it booked in. 

There’s a section on this one highlighted that is “missing” however in the first conversation I had with him he thinks we can use the section on my car for this.


As you may be able to tell quite easily, I’m not particularly well versed in the practical aspects of fixing cars. I can source parts and work my backside off to pay for them, but I need the right people to tell me what I need to source.IMG_8667.thumb.png.69d7414cde9ea53c4811318192233c9f.png


If it were me I'd be trying to source one that's as close to my model year as possible and same engine if possible. 

  • Like 1

Hello Chris,

Have a look at IM Axles website in case they do new ones - probably not, but worth a try. 
We had one last year for a Ford KA. Gauge and quality was better than the original.

Kind regards,


  • Like 1

Thanks Gareth, I’ll have a butchers this afternoon 👍🏻

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got hold of IM axles Gareth and they do indeed supply the part I need. £400 for a new part seems pretty respectable to me given that VW wanted some £1300 for theirs! Just waiting to hear from my mechanic and hopefully I can get it ordered asap. Thanks again for the recommendation 👍🏻


Sounds good then Chris. Price wise would also sound good. If the quality of your turns out to be anything like the one we had for the KA, you should be impressed - thicker spring pans, better paint protection etc. 

We gave the new frame a liberal coating of Waxoyl before fitting. Always worth doing. 
Let us know how you get on Chris. 
Kind regards,



Will do Gareth, going to speak with my mechanic in person later as he seems a little hesitant to start having not done it before. I think it’s very much a case of him not wanting to commit to a pricing on the job in case it runs into double figures if man hours. I’ve read a lot of comments across forums that it isn’t a particularly horrendous job to do, but that part and parcel is a full wheel alignment after it’s done for obvious reasons. I’d been very appreciative of anyone who can shed further light on to the complexity of the job and what kind of timeframe we would be looking at. On a couple of places guys were saying that with the appropriate jacks and stands that you could do it on your driveway! Obviously I won’t be going down that route, but on that rationale, at a fully equipped garage, it should make things even easier? I’m currently “budgeting” for around 6-8 hours Labour, and will be offering my menial assistance just in case 😂

  • 1 month later...

Firstly, all the very best to the members of the Audi Owners Club.

With regards my subframe issue - I sourced a brand new one from IM axles after the recommendation from @Magnet for £400 including delivery and it’s been fitted by my mechanic. It took him about 7 hours including the wheel alignment. He needed to soak a number of the bolts to ensure safe removal and as result of the corrosion that had occurred.

i Had a late Xmas gift from the car in the form of my front pads needing to be replaced so all in parts and labour for the subframe removal and fitting the new one, wheel alignment and new pads, it cost just over £1k. Still perplexed as to how just that one section had suffered with corrosion as no leaks were found and the remainder of the underside is in top nick. Thank you again to the club fraternity for their help, and who knows maybe this thread could help someone further down the line.

  • Like 1

Glad you got sorted, I'll be inspecting my subframe once engine is removed. 

  • Like 1

That's a damn good price Chris. Your mechanic deserves a recommendation if you would care to provide a name and work address for him.

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