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Hello all.

I am really hoping that you can help me. I have just bought a 2022 A3 30TFSI 6 speed manual. It only has 16k on the clock. 
I cannot for the life of me pull away smoothly in first gear. The car pulls away but then theres a forward “lurch” as if someone has tapped the brake. 
Rarely, i can pull away smoothly but 95% of the time its jerky. I have tried adding more gas, letting the clutch out slower/ faster all to no avail. 
The biting point does seem to be quite a large area of travel but theres no slipping or anything to suggest the clutch may be worn. 

Has anyone got any advice? Is it normal in that car or am i doing something wrong? 


Hello, thank you for your reply. No nothing. No noises at all. It just feels like really bad clutch control. Its hard to describe but instead of pulling away steady and smooth, it kind of jerks when it gets to the point that the clutch should be let out smoothly. 
If i put lots of revs on ie 2000rpm+ and hold the clutch at the biting point until the speed is higher then it doesnt jerk but i fear doing that will wear the clutch out a lot faster. 


If you're unsure if you're driving it incorrectly you could get someone else to drive it to see if they have the same experience. Alternatively I'd recommend getting it to a garage to be checked. 


My first thought was a broken engine mounting, but that usually causes an audible clunk as it moves. Nevertheless it is worth checking them all as a first step.

My second thought is a broken spring in the driven plate. Clutch removal will be needed to confirm if that is so.



Thanks for your replied. I think il book it into Audi for them to look at under warranty….i know what they will say though. 

Just out of interest, is the A3 known for being difficult to pull away smoothly or does it need extra revs etc?


It's worth trying to claim on the warranty, though like you I have a good idea what they will say.

I doubt that any modern car has such an inherent clutch fault. That sounds like an excuse a secondhand car dealer would trot out.

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