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Jan 2018 Audi Q7.

For the past week I have been getting locking problems.  

When I leave the car and lock it the mirrors pull in / lights flash / alarm light foes red but all doors are still unlocked.

You hear a faint locking noise but not as loud as when the doors actually lock.

Also sometimes when I return to the vehicle and unlock it all 4 windows drop about 10 / 15mm.

I have changed the batteries in the remote but it's still the same.

I wondered if it was the battery so I put it on charge and as soon as I did the car locked by the key.  Coincidence?  Next day locks play up again.

I'm not having any starting problems to suggest low battery and no warning lights / errors showing on dash.


Any one had similar or thoughts whatbit might be?


That recharging the battery immediately allows the doors to lock strongly suggests that the battery is weak. If it is the original battery it undoubtedly needs to be renewed.

Note that the ability of a battery to crank the engine is not an indication of it being in good condition,

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