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Looking for a replacement coolent hose (part no 058121058G), but I am unable to find one anywhere online. Can anyone suggest where I might be able to get a replacement hose from (prefer new) please?


Welcome Dave and thanks for joining.

The suffix letter G will denote the modifications made to the basic part numbe over the years. 

If G isn’t available, then you need to do your homework on what other letter variants are like compared with yours. 
You may find another letter variant that you can modify on a ‘cut and shut’ basis

Can we take it you have searched eBay international as well as eBay U.K? 
Kind regards




Hi Gareth, thanks very much for the reply.

When I've looked into the same part number with a different suffix letter at the end it's always been a different hose - looking at engine diagrams with part numbers, the engine has different hoses with the same part number but with a different suffix on the end.

Looking on UK eBay I have managed to get a second hand hose from a vehicle dismantler, although I was really after a new one - the one I've bought is the same age as the one on the car so I assume just as 'aged' or 'perished' as mine and as likely to leak (mine is basically leaking from the ends of the hose, I assume where the clamps are no longer tight enough?)

I have looked at vehicle parts suppliers in the EU and found the hose in their listings, but none of them have stock. However, I haven't looked at eBay International, so will take a look thanks.

Another option I was thinking about was to get a custom silicone hose made up and that was the main reason for buying the second hand hose from eBay - for use as a pattern. However, I wanted to ask if anyone had found a source of hose parts in the club before I went down this potentially expensive route.

I'll take a look at eBay International and let you know how I get on.

Many Thanks.


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Further digging on the internet today and I've ordered what looks like a compatible part from Autodoc.co.uk, although as you've said it states 058121058 with a different suffix (they've stated 'A') so I'll see what comes and let you know.


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