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I recently failed inspection because my subframe is rotted so bad due to New York weather and I don't think I want to get it welded because it needs to be safe not just pass inspection. I called and they want over $5,000 just for parts let alone labor to fix the subframe. I don't think the car is worth that. I do have V8 4.2 l engine which they don't make anymore I believe and so I've been doing everything to save this car. I can't afford these repairs. I'm trying to find out the value of my vehicle as it sits with this problem



That does look horribly rotten, and there must be other equally rotten places to warrant $5000 worth of parts.

I doubt anybody here can advise you of the car value as this is a mainly British forum. Probably the best you can hope for is to sell the engine and scrap the rest of the car.

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