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Car crash


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Hi all, I own a 2006 A3 5 door.  Yesterday I had quite a bad crash (non fault) my A3 flipped three times, slid along the roof, along the side and then landed back on its wheels. After all the damage which was alot including a blown tire I still managed to drive it off the road to a nearby farm. (aprox 50 yards away) The car is a tank! Me and my friend walked away with a few scratches and seat belt bruising( more mental damage than physical) me and a few of my friends agree that in another car it probably would of been alot worse. I won't be changing my car! I've had 2 A3's now and as soon as I get paid out from my insurance I will be buying another 5 door A3 as this experience has proven what I have said all along. Thank you audi for making this car X

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Hi Reiss....welcome to the Forum

Sorry to hear about your crash but at least you are all okay and managed to walk away.

It certainly says a lot about the Audi build quality and gives you confidence in this sort of situation.

Keep us updated with your new purchase

Cheers   Trevor

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Welcome to the forum Reiss :) 

sorry to hear about the crash but it sounds like you were very lucky! 

My dad had a similar incident in an a3 and again he walked away unscathed. 

They are built like tanks and glad your getting another a3 :) 

let us know how you get on with your new a3 when you get it :)



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