Hi, I'm new to this site but not to Audi's. Previously I've owned a '51' plate A3 1.8T & a '53' plate S4. I'm picking up a '07' Q7 on Tuesday and can't wait to swap my VW Passat for it.
Evening Guys,
I'm just posting on my father-in-laws behalf, and apologise if this is in the wrong section.
He has a number plate he doesn't use any more and I wonder if anyone on here might be interested, it's
If anyone is interested you can email me [email protected]
Thanks in advance,
Hi, I have just aquired sets of Audi R8 protection packs from a audi dealer that has moved site, I want £80 for each one Audi are asking for £160!, Part number is ZGB420071327 check google, then get back to me if your inerested, fitted one to mine with help in 5min.