It's now been 6-weeks plus since having my Emissions update. In all honesty, I still have not noticed anything spectacular if at all. Maybe the fuel level isn't as good but that mayne because of the colder weather now which also has a knock-on effect with my MGP figures between refills.
The only thing I have noticed, and maybe more a coincidence or related to the Emissions issue is my Oil Consumption. Early September, I started a drive from Essex to the West Midlands, then from there drove to Cornwall and started my UK-Holiday and did a few driving too. Below is filling-up with Diesel on the start of my trip;
1st Diesel Full-up / 2nd September / Mileage 16,938
2nd Diesel Fill-up / 8th September / Mileage 17,451
3rd Diesel Fill-up / 23rd September / Mileage 18,041
I covered 1,103 miles in 21-days. My MMI Oil Level Display was reading a halfway. I put some oil in and the level went to full. A few days later, the level was at 3/4 full so again, I added more oil. Again, days later, the reading was just under full so I added a little more oil. It finally stayed full. Upon speaking with Audi Customer Services, they advised me to book it in to the Service Centre ASAP, which I did.
They drained the oil, measured the new oil, weighed it and put it into my engine. I am limited to drive 600-miles under this Oil Consumption Test - Stage 1, which I have now covered just shy of 500-Miles and my car is already booked in for the 7th November. They will then drain my oil, weigh and measure it to see how much oil I have used and go from there.
I am unsure to whether this is linked but just thought I would share.