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  1. New Members - please read before posting ! Be civil Don’t post anything that a reasonable person would consider offensive, abusive, or hate speech. Avoid confrontational responses to post content that may be different to your own personal beliefs. Everyone has their own opinion on different matters and this provides for diversity, so please avoid an argument. Be polite It doesn't cost anything to have manners and would be appreciated by the community if you included 'please and thank you' as required in your posts. Keep it clean Don’t post anything obscene or sexually explicit. Respect each other Don’t harass or troll anyone, impersonate people, or expose their private information. Be respectful to Moderating Staff and other members at all times. No politics or religion Nothing starts a fight faster than politics or religion, so we don't allow those discussions. Keep personal information private All posts in the forums are easily found via search engines, so unless you're willing to expose your information to the world, please do not post telephone numbers, e-mail addresses etc in your posts. Have a little patience We are a club made up of members who have to work days or nights so can’t always reply straight away, someone will get back to you as soon as they can, so please be bear with us. Thread titles Be accurate with your topic by giving a brief sentence of the problem, hint or tip you would like to get across to other members. These are not concrete terms with precise definitions — avoid even the appearance of any of these things. If you’re unsure, ask yourself whether you'd go on TV and publicly say it on camera. This is a public forum, and search engines index these discussions. Keep the language, links, and images safe for family and friends. Follow Up Please find the time to follow up your post with a conclusion (such as; that worked, tried that but didn't work, etc) so contributing members can see whether their advice and suggestions worked in this instance. You may receive an email asking you to add a conclusion to your post, please find the time to return to your post and marked it as solved.
    1 point
  2. Lol I sure do, however I'm not that committed where I'll work late on a car lol. I still can't believe you had to go to such lengths to make one fit. I'm shocked there wasn't an off the shelf item.
    1 point
  3. yeah steve is right,this is a very common problem with avants.
    1 point
  4. Problem solved, to cut a long story short I bought a similar Audi motor/linkage assembly, swapped the motors over, and did some judicious grinding on one of the linkages to achieve the desired throw on the wiper arms. More of a faff than it should've been but I got there in the end. If anyone has the same problem finding this particular linkage (8P2955023G) feel free to drop me a line and I'll be happy to explain in more detail, and thanks for everyone who offered help.
    1 point
  5. Thanks. I can definitely make it better. Really pleased with the Autoglym black dye. Great product. I would highly recommend it. The boot carpet was transformed i felt.
    1 point
  6. The headlight switch is a common item to fail or catch fire on the A6 c5. Here's a guide on how to change it by pelican parts. Part number: 4B1941531C Also certain A6 c5 won't have the light adjustment such as the RS6 due to the RS6 having self leveling suspension and xenon headlights. Furthermore the older (pre facelift version, don't have the soft touch finish which generally lasts longer. The last picture shows the difference. Left facelift with soft touch plastic. Right prefacelift cars without soft touch plastic. in addition the height adjuster can fail often due to the plastic link bar breaking. Think it connects to the ARB. If it's in tact, then it's worth checking the levelling motors. They're about 20 quid new. 1. Turn the headlight switch to the off position and push the knob inward (green arrow). Turn the knob clockwise. As you turn it, the switch housing will eject itself from the dashboard. 2. Pull the switch out of the dashboard as shown here. You need to be able to access the electrical connection on the back side. 3. Press the tabs on the rear of the electrical connector (green arrows) and pull the connector off. The new switch is installed in the reverse order of removal. https://www.pelicanparts.com/techarticles/Audi_A6_C5/16-ELEC-Headlight_Switch_Replacement/16-ELEC-Headlight_Switch_Replacement.htm
    1 point
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