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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/2024 in Posts

  1. Following 4 or 5 charging cycles the issue has gone away, so all good.
    2 points
  2. I'm going to check it out tomorrow and see if it works. Thanks for replying and helping ill let you know the outcome
    1 point
  3. Fair enough Jason. Thanks for the points, they are all clear and I understand them given that the manufacturer will certainly take a very considered legal position on any questions or responses to any consumer watchdog like investigation. My only hope is that something sensible is done before such a failure puts someone in harms way.
    1 point
  4. I had this problem (or certainly these symptoms) and fixed it without the need for expert help. I found the fix on Youtube. If you guys are still experience the problem I'll be happy to explain what I did here (I am a few months late so maybe you have sorted it out!)
    1 point
  5. Of course. Suspect it would be relatively straight forward to source examples of this failure which would go some way to moving such an investigation safely away from unsupported hypothesis. Also such an investigation wouldn’t need to draw conclusions (their lawyers would be all over what could/couldn't be said etc), it would simply need to point to example cases and put reasonable questions to the manufacturer in the public domain that push on the issue. That’s broadly the nature of such consumer watchdog investigations from what I have seen over the years. You seem very keen to highlight the legal dimensions here, when that’s not the only way to solicit a more customer orientated response from the manufacturer for those impacted by this particular issue. Wondering if you work in said manufacturers PR/legal dep. Either way thanks for your legal points - no further guidance required.
    1 point
  6. Welcome to the forum you'll find the members on here are a friendly and helpful bunch 🙂
    1 point
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