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  1. New Members - please read before posting ! Be civil Don’t post anything that a reasonable person would consider offensive, abusive, or hate speech. Avoid confrontational responses to post content that may be different to your own personal beliefs. Everyone has their own opinion on different matters and this provides for diversity, so please avoid an argument. Be polite It doesn't cost anything to have manners and would be appreciated by the community if you included 'please and thank you' as required in your posts. Keep it clean Don’t post anything obscene or sexually explicit. Respect each other Don’t harass or troll anyone, impersonate people, or expose their private information. Be respectful to Moderating Staff and other members at all times. No politics or religion Nothing starts a fight faster than politics or religion, so we don't allow those discussions. Keep personal information private All posts in the forums are easily found via search engines, so unless you're willing to expose your information to the world, please do not post telephone numbers, e-mail addresses etc in your posts. Have a little patience We are a club made up of members who have to work days or nights so can’t always reply straight away, someone will get back to you as soon as they can, so please be bear with us. Thread titles Be accurate with your topic by giving a brief sentence of the problem, hint or tip you would like to get across to other members. These are not concrete terms with precise definitions — avoid even the appearance of any of these things. If you’re unsure, ask yourself whether you'd go on TV and publicly say it on camera. This is a public forum, and search engines index these discussions. Keep the language, links, and images safe for family and friends. Follow Up Please find the time to follow up your post with a conclusion (such as; that worked, tried that but didn't work, etc) so contributing members can see whether their advice and suggestions worked in this instance. You may receive an email asking you to add a conclusion to your post, please find the time to return to your post and marked it as solved.
    1 point
  2. Thanks for coming back on this Alan. My (jaundiced?) view on ‘fancy large wheels’ is that they may appeal to some onlookers who take any interest in looking at car wheels, but such people can be rare to come across. They will also appeal to owners who want, or expect, others to fancy their large wheels, and if that is what turns anybody on, then that’s fine too. The practical and downsides:- So that gearing etc. is not affected, the total diameter of wheel + tyre has to remain constant, so the larger the wheel dia. the lower the profile ( sidewall height) of the tyre has to be, and dictated profiles can be reduced to silly levels as with your current 30. The lower the tyre profile, the much harsher the ride quality the driver has to suffer, for the ‘benefit’ of being able to view the static car with the large fancy wheels - which can’t be seen by the driver when using the car! Does that significant disadvantage add up? I guess, yes, to some owners. Convertibles are for enjoying with the hood down, with a nice comfy ride, while you take your time to smell the flowers along the way. Just one person’s point of view, and very much open to debate. Kind regards, Gareth.
    1 point
  3. It is an S4 Avant B9 but I imagine the dimensions are the same. My partner has a 62 plate S5 and that also works but the low sloping glass window at the very back does require more fiddling. Mind you these are road bikes (42cm wide handlebars). With the wheels off, it should be much easier.
    1 point
  4. Thanks Gareth. I've taken your advice and emailed Audi customer services. They are a tad slow to respond though. So far they've only responded to say that my issue doesn't sound right 😯 and asked me for my VIN and address. Given that I have now found dozens of threads on forums all over the world complaining of exactly the same issue I have, I'm not sure what they are going to be able to do for me. TBH all I need is the ability to change it to "late" like I was able to in my last two A5s and I should be ok.
    1 point
  5. Well, after all this time, still no new tyres as they still legal.... turns out the tyres are not noisy at all.... driver side rear wheel bearing changed yesterday and what a difference.... the car is almost silent now! 2 sets of bearings, inner amd outer and one of the sets, all the balls bearings were a psychedelic blue almost from the heat.... Good to know the noise I had heard did exist as the other half said it was just road noise..... must admit though this last journey pulling the caravan back from the lakes it got alot worse. I got the wife to drive after I'd dropped the caravan off, climbed in the back and lifted the floor cover up to get my head down to the wheel arch and was pretty clear which side..... Happy at last but tyres are coming with another handful of pound notes to hand over 😭
    1 point
  6. Welcome Alan, and thanks for joining. I fear this could become on a par with ‘what is the best brand of petrol to use’? What I would start off by mentioning is - why on earth would you want 20 inch wheels - dictating extremely low profile tyres - on a cabriolet? Those wheels, coupled with the S Line suspension is likely to result in a ride akin to that with solid tyres! Appreciating it may have come to you like that, but a need to renew tyres, might be the time to rethink the whole set up, and move to say 18 inch wheels with a much better ride giving profile. Tyres? I too have come from the school of using premium grade tyres and have always favoured Michelin, generally for their longevity - giving you more long term miles/£. The humble A3 has just been re-fitted with a new set of Michelin, but I find they now have a tread depth of c6.5 mm compared with the past norm of 8mm. Also, the tread grooves are wider, so all in all, less rubber for your extra £s! Continentals? Tried these in the past, and have not been impressed with their longevity. As a complete departure, I have just had a set of mid range Kumho tyres fitted to a large non Audi, after taking advice on the appropriate forum. These were available on a good offer at my local ATS, who I must say are now a super set of chaps, and their prices are far more competitive at last. Just some food for thought. Kind regards, Gareth.
    1 point
  7. Thanks Dom, Quantum oil - Superb- 438K. That would be enough of an endorsement without my ‘many years of using it’ suggestion. That really is incredible. Although I haven’t had any volume experience of using Opie oils, I understand they are reliable, and OK it generally costs you extra, but on a DIY oil change basis, does that really matter so much? EBay and ‘so many counterfeit parts on there’. Um, I’ve personally not encountered any issues with my purchases from sellers who I’ve had experience of, and trust. It sounds that we might have a similar philosophy insofar as I buy reputable brands at competitive prices (mainly off EBay and Parts in Motion etc.) but I don’t buy at cheapest prices on EBay. C.E. Automotive currently have a competitive price on EBay with Quantum, and I’ve bought my oil with them for a number of years to good effect. Main dealer parts? Yes, great, but generally not good for the wallet! Worth trying Discount Audi Parts (again on EBay) at Cardiff - Part of the now Mon Motors set up - was Cardiff Audi. They often offer a bit of discount. Also dealt with Aberdeen Audi at one time, but not sure whether they are still discounting. Hope some of this helps Dom. Kind regards, Gareth. p.s. Please note:- I don’t have any connection with any of the above mentioned businesses other than having bought from them in the past, and will probably buy from them in the future.
    1 point
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