Hi I really would not bother with the crankcase vent at the moment, the rear seal wont leak when the engine is static because the crank is not revolving, when the engine is running it will leak 360 degrees I would doubt the crank is worn, billet steel verses rubber, only ever going to be one winner, I had mine changed [2.0 CNHA] but they are basically the same, box out, flywheel off, ring gear plate removed then the seal unbolted it sits in a metal housing with the crank position reluctor ring, the engine will need to be timed to tdc on cylinder 1 and the witness mark on the reluctor ring directly opposite the marker on the casing, its a mission as you will need to replace the driveshaft seals as well as they are one hit wonders, the timing and pinning is crucial as if the reluctor ring alignment is not exact it wont start.