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Lost boy

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    A6 allroad
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  1. There’s no such thing as a handbook any more apparenty! i thought the same, but it seems to be the case that it really did miss the service as there is no record of a service anywhere . The dealer is doing more digging, so maybe they will find out from the previous owner. In the mean time he is sticking to his line that it’s still audi approved.
  2. The dealer has just got back to me. The warranty department have said that the Audi extended warranty would not cover any future engine oil related issues... I guess that could be anything engine or gear box related ? But the dealer is still claiming it counts as Audi approved ! I’ve asked him to think about that again. I’m seriously concerned that they are now miss-selling the car. If another member of the public doesn’t spot this then they could be buying a complete lemon at full Audi approved list price. if they were to offer me a substantial discount to reflect the risk I might think about it , but so far that’s not forthcoming! unbelievable....is this standard Audi custom and practise? I’m new to the brand .
  3. Hi all. I am in the hunt for an Audi approved allroad and thought that I had found what I was looking for. however... having test driven the car and settled down to talk business I spotted that the car had never had a service before . the car had 2 1/2 years and 21000 miles but was on the forecourt as Audi approved . Just serviced buy the dealer. In my book that doesn’t sound like it qualifies as Audi approved ... it’s missed its first service altogether. What do you all think I should do ?
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