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  1. I absolutely love it! Have you remapped yours? Mine goes well enough but I'm curious as to what difference it can make or if it's worth it?
  2. Hmmm I have heard if the fake bulbs but these were bought over the counter in Euro parts and Halfords so no fakes. I'm wondering if one bulb went and then another blew because I mishandled them somehow? Anyway I have Bosch and Osram spares so let's see how these last. No further blows yet.
  3. Just cleared the water out of mine just in time. Easy job. Then I pit a dehumidifier in the car and ran it constantly for 24hrs. All dry now. You tube has some good tutorials on this.
  4. I'm used to Landyzone which is one of the most abusive yet hilarious forums on the planet so a nice normal polite forum is a nice change. I've got a 300tdi csw which I love and work on all the time tinkering with bits to get more hp. I can't believe I can just plug my C5 in and get 180 bhp just like that. My Landy is 180 and I had to get an intercooler, exhaust, turbo and tweak the fuel pump costing 2 grand!!! I love my Audi though. I've just discovered it takes 6 cds in the front having thought there was no multi changer after finding nothing in the boot.
  5. Mate I'm havimg bulb issues so I've gone for quality replacements. Euro parts are doing Osram Nightbreakers for 14 quid a pair reduced from 40.
  6. Yep it's bang on 14.2 v when running. I've replaced the gone bulbs with either Osram or Bosch. Either the bulbs are all similar age and starting to go or bad luck or a 're wore is looming. Nompun intended!
  7. Got this A6 and yes it's 2003 but why are all the bulbs blowing one by one? I've done both low beam, one full beam a brake light and now and indicator. Luckily I'm sat outside Halfords. Any ideas from seasoned Audi-istas??
  8. Gents Lasses, Just got an Audi A6 2003 only 80 grand on the clock and I love it. I'm a Land Rover type so this is like getting out of a bucket into and arm chair. Only trouble is I'm a bit overwhelmed with all the electrics!
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