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Everything posted by TotalTechnik

  1. Here is our video on how to fit the Door Blades, and yes the B6 and B7 are interchangeable so grab either when you can! https://youtu.be/XnThAwyiBh0 Hope this helps! Total Technik
  2. Hi Andris Here is a link to removing your wiper so you can take a look at everything - not a big job and we have filmed each stage so you can follow it easily. https://youtu.be/hNQyllvy4SQ Hope it helps! TOTAL TECHNIK www.youtube.com/TotalTechnik
  3. Hi Tackleberry Rear Wipers can be a nightmare! A pin is often your best friend with the water jet, before you fork out for a new motor. Here are links to our removal videos if you didn't get lucky! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNQyllvy4SQ#action=share and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppSE7JnhAfc#action=share Total Technik
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