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Everything posted by SeanQ87

  1. May be daft question, but what do you mean cracking? lol :P
  2. 2.0 TDI Ok thanks, i have a look at the makes you mentioned and ill put my plate in on those places. :D Also, is it possible to have to powerful a battery?
  3. I know man lol, that is not all of it, there was more dirt and stuff on it that fell off it as i pulled them out. :P My hands and footwell was a mess ha. :P Well iv had the car for 10 year and i knew nothing about this filter until you all told me about it on this thread, so not entirely sure when the last time it was changed, but a long time ago anyways by the looks of it.
  4. This is the old cabin filters i took out..
  5. What is the best type of battery and power of battery for my Audi A6 C6 2004 plate?
  6. seems best option though if the Auto settings does the air power / speed and vents automatically going by the temperature :P
  7. Thanks for explaining the settings on the screen for me. So basically once i get the air fixed, i should just have it on all the time (light off) and have it set to auto?
  8. Thats me bought the Cabin / Dust filters, they didn't have the right ones i needed so i have to pick them up tomorrow and ill fit them tomorrow. :P Wither that helps the demister and/or heaters or not, hoping it will, at least its another thing done towards getting the car all sorted and up to date as iv never changed the filter before and i have had the car 10 year, i knew nothing about this filter until this thread.Audi a6 c6 Aircon Button.mp4 Could the 8 options on the screen please be explained to me because i cant find somewhere that tells me what each as? I am just want to make sure im using it correctly lol before i take it to a garage. This is also what happens with the aircon button.. Audi_a6_c6_Aircon_Button.mp4
  9. Wat kind of scan? or will i just say "check the aircon as its not working and scan for faults" and he will know what i mean? lol :P Sorry for all the questions :P
  10. Could an electrical problem cause it to not work? As the following electrical things keep happening lol Front passenger window only goes down but not up from the driver side button, but goes up and down fine from the passenger side button. Driver window goes all the way down before going up even if the window is nearly all the way up anyways, it still needs to go full down before going up. Windows no longer go up when holding the buttons on the car's key. Electric handbrakes goes on but most of the time does go off again. (so now i just turn the engine off and stay in get encase i get stuff with the handbrake on like i have been many times before) I get errors sometimes telling me certain lights are out, but the lights are all working fine. 1 of my lighter sockets dont work. and there is more lol, just cant think of them right now lol.
  11. btw.. See the red aircon light statying on and the aircon not working / turning on and it needing either regased or something done to fix it... Is that something most if not all garages can do? or do i need to search down certain ones that deal with aircon in cars?
  12. From reading that then, i will try get the carbon one. Thanks.
  13. oh, i ment to ask, before i go into the shop... Will i buy the filter with or without the carbon in it? What is the reason for the carbon?
  14. Will do :D Thanks. :D
  15. That video was great, im gonna go to halfords tomorrow and buy the filter and change it. :D Thanks. :D I shall still check if it need a regas from some aswell tho. :D
  16. Thanks :D Its good to be here. :P
  17. I need the following things for my audi.. Boot Floor Panel Boot Breakdown Set (Jack, Bar, etc..) 5th Wheel Front Armrest Rear Armrest Front Driver-Side Sun Visor (and Clip)
  18. That weird lol, in my mind i would have thought the light means it is turned on and no light means it would be off, ok i understand the light now lol. :D Cool, i will take it to somewhere and ask the to check if the aircon needs regased. :P So the aircon helps the demister, but if the aircon stops working all together, will the demister stop alltogether too? or Can the demister still work with aircon not working, just not as good? I have never changed the cabin filter, so that will probably need changed? How often should it be changed? I havent got a clue what the cabin filter looks like lol so ill take it to someone who will and ask them to find and check it for me and tell me what its like. The whole inside of the car is wet lol, my dash, doors, etc.. is all wet from the constant condensation building up all the time. :P All the surfaces in the car are cold all the time because i there is no heat in the car when its parked and also when im driving it. The power of the fan goes up to 12, there is no way im getting anymore than a 1 or 2 power on the fan. The demister demists the smallest wee patch in the centre bottom of the windscreen.
  19. So when their is no light, that means the air con is on? Could this be effecting y my demister and heaters is working correctly? What is a "regas"?
  20. Audi A6 (C6) 2004 [54 Plate] 2.0 TDi :P
  21. The aircon button always has the redlight on on it, even when i press it, the light stays on. :P Not sure if the aircon is working when its on or the inside of the car is just cold because of the weather. :P The car is always cold as the demister and the heaters only blow out little amount of air with hardly no power. :P Every couple of days i get an hour or so with it working great, but then it goes back to being rubbish again lol. :P When im out in the car im always cold and also having to use a squedgie and/or a sponge every 5 seconds on the windscreen so i can see the road in front of me. :P
  22. My audi has several parts missing / broken on it. These parts are all things like clips, buttons, armrest, etc.. :P where can i buy all the bits i need that where there when the car was made?
  23. Thank you for your welcomes. :D
  24. Does anyone else here some to have problems getting their windscreen demister working? :P I have to sit with a clothe and wipe it myself every 5 seconds! It is brutal lol. :P
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