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  1. Thanks for the feedback. On the first time the issue occurred my mind went straight to the dampening springs in the DMF. Seemed to be the only thing which would make sense if the spring was jammed or snapped. However, as it was an intermittent issue I am still unsure of this. Is there any potential for foreign objects to be stuck in the spring itself or somewhere in the DMF assembly. I assumed those springs would dampen rpm in the range of 50-100, not a whole 300-500, hence I was back to square one trying to see if it was something else causing the issue. I will get it stripped and looked at as soon as possible. Thanks for all your help.
  2. I am pretty sure it was a LUK DMF that went in. Will this paired with a Sachs clutch be any issue? I believe the gearbox may have been leaking oil (potential crack) hence under-lubrication lead to failure of bearings especially with extensive motorway driving over prolonged periods of time. Back to the slipping clutch, the fault continues but still remains intermittent. These 2 forums describe the issue identically, with one issue being potentially addressed to the DMF while the other to a warped pressure plate: https://www.avforums.com/threads/can-a-worn-dmf-cause-a-clutch-to-slip.2211444/ https://singletrackworld.com/forum/topic/clutch-slipping-or-something-else/
  3. Yes enthusiastic is more the word I'm looking for. And I do mean more on the straight roads, wouldn't risk it on bends. I only mentioned the harsher clutch drop as that was the only time I drove like that. It could be the reason which caused the issue, but it was not that harsh and definitely is something every car would be able to handle, especially when I had a new gearbox and clutch, hence the dilemma of I'm not sure what it could be. Maybe damage caused somewhere else in the system through shock loading but not sure what component. Yes I put on the clutch when replacing the gearbox only since the entire assembly would be out anyway. The gearbox was not overhauled, it came out of a donor car and was in mint condition. Needed a quick turnover to drive back up North for work so didn't have the knowledge or time to properly look into uprated clutches and only just had enough time to get a gearbox shipped to me. I was unaware of refinishing DMFs and since the car had a new DMF 25k miles ago it was not something I thought about. Car drove perfect no issues at all until the intermittent clutch slip issue came. Do you reckon it could be a warped pressure plate? Or is DMF the more likely culprit. I had receipts from last owner for DMF but can never be certain.
  4. I don't drive routinely like that. That was a one off drive down some country roads. I mostly do motorway miles so very little strain on the clutch. Sounds like a clutch slip but with less than 2 months on that clutch it just doesn't make sense hence I suspect warped pressure plate or DMF issue. Keeping foot to the floor in 5th should never be an issue in an ideal situation. Anyone else have any idea of what it could be?
  5. Hi Gareth, I used a Sachs Clutch kit. Regards, Praveen
  6. Hi, After my bearings went on my gearbox at ~145k miles I replaced it with a 40k mile gearbox instead of fixing the old one. Replaced the clutch while I was at it. Not entirely sure if or how my mechanic resurfaced the DMF. Couple months down the line I was driving intensely with harsh clutch drops etc. and car was handling it fine. Few days down the line I start hearing small knocking sounds whenever I put my foot down or let off the accelerator at low gears low speeds (1-3) @ low rpms. Not sure if gbox mount, engine mount, CV joint, diff? But my main issue is the slipping power. When I keep my foot to the floor and hit ~2.2k rpm (around the max boost on my turbo) in higher gears (3-5) it is suddenly slipping. The rpms spikes by about 200-300 rpm, and if I keep my foot down the rpm stays there until the (clutch?) catches up. It still accelerates during this process but slower. It does eventually catch again and I can continue to higher speeds. With a lot of motorway driving it is becoming more of a challenge to be able to suddenly accelerate/ make overtakes etc. but is still handling alright. This is not full clutch slip where rpms max out. General clutch engagement is perfect at all speeds and all gears. The issue is just at full throttle and at that specific rpm range. I am now beginning to get a sort of cyclic droning sound, quiet at low speeds, but loud from 70mph and much louder at 100mph. I've heard some Honda Civics which have had similar symptoms, and in one case was caused by a warped pressure plate. I did change this with a new one when I got the clutch and gearbox changed so not sure if it is this or not. DMF (& clutch) was supposedly changed by last owner 25k miles ago. Anyone had similar issues to this and if so what was the diagnosis? I believe the 2 issues I have listed here may be separate issues i.e. one a bearing issue and the other a drivetrain issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  7. Thanks for that I'll take a look at getting some second hand panels. I did try looking but didn't have much luck I guess I'll just look over time till something pops up. I don't think the moped owner is trying to pull off anything but either way I will do the repairs at the end of summer. The damages don't look too bad to manage with, as long as the car is mechanically sound I'm not too fussed. Thanks!
  8. Moped owner said his parts are pretty cheap just a few panels that need to be replaced can get it done in a day. He said he's not too fussed and If I want to go through insurance I can. Obviously if my excess is pretty much the same as cos of damages making a claim it isn't worth losing my NCD over hence we agreed to cover our own costs. It's difficult as technically I may be the one to bare the blame but it was totally unforeseeable and just complete bad luck. This is a main road in Battersea right by the Thames, a road which is usually very busy. Bus drivers never give way, in fact one went past initially but the 2nd bus that came stopped to let me out. I pulled out carefully and slowly, took my time to make sure it was completely clear on the left. As I moved forward my eyes were to the right at the corner of the bus where cars could come from. But due to just complete lack of visibility around the bus it was impossible for him to see me and for me to see him. I couldn't exactly sit there and edge out dead slowly because the bus was waiting for me to pull out. I just never expected a moped to pull out of all things. I'm assuming he thought the bus was stopping at a bus stop hence thought the road was clear. It's just sad really that this bus driver had good intentions to let me come out the side road but in the end resulted in far more than anyone could've expected. Moped owner was a pretty chill guy in general. After he got out of his initial shock he was nice about the whole situation. All that said, what kind of cost am I looking at? One garage said £500 bonnet and wing. But I just need some other opinions, and to whether i should just buy a painted wing alone and do the bonnet later or get an unpainted wing, fix the bonnet, and blend the paint. Thanks guys!
  9. Hello everyone. Never posted on this forum myself but here goes. Was slowly pulling out a side road after a bus flashed me to go and got hit by a moped who narrowly overtook the bus and was blind to me and I was blind to him. Rider hit front right wing and flipped onto bonnet. Luckily damage wasn't too bad(could be worse) and the bumper and front right alloy wheel is fine, but the right wing is quite badly crumpled and there are a few fairly large dents on the bonnet. Moped rider said he will cover his own costs and since the damages were not worth making a claim, I am going to get the repairs done myself. I was wondering what kind of cost it will be to repair the bonnet, and whether it can be repaired easily or has to be completely replaced. I was planning on replacing just the wing for now and sorting out the bonnet later in summer but am not sure if it is better to get it all fixed in one go since paint may need to be blended into the panels(was going to buy wing as pre-painted part and fit it). Also I have some slight laquer peel on my rare bumper so maybe buying an unpainted wing, repairing the bonnet, then getting all 3 parts painted as well as blending into the door maybe a better idea, but have no idea what kind of costs it may come to. From what I know: Wing(unpainted)- £35 Wing(Painted)-£140 I can DIY fit it Bonnet(unpainted)-£110 needs to be painted and fitted professionally Bonnet REPAIR: £????? Sorry if I dragged this out but I'm struggling to make this decision. I appreciate any help! Thank you
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