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    A3 sline 2.0TDi
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  1. Afternoon all, just wondering if anyone can recomend an air filter for an A3 2.0 Tdi 150 bhp.....am thinking either KnN or Piper cross. Both expensive compared to paper filter! But only buy once though eh?? Cheers.
  2. Hello everyone, been a while! My local Audi stealer is advising an MMi update from Audi, foc mind, says it takes about 1+1/2 hrs. just wondering if anyone had 1 for their car system?? Cheers
  3. Hi Tom,sorry to hear that about Audi Brighton try.... National Conciliation Service (01788 538317)website they gave me number for head office!! Explain situation, you gave them a chance to sort it and what they replied etc. Keep details names,times,dates etc Took me 6mths from initial complaint!!!!! Seems to me that this is quite a common problem!! Previous post should have included a well done too Lookers Audi Newcastle for all their help with my car!! Good luck Regards Steve
  4. Hi Tom, really weird!! Mine 2014. 56k !! Try diff cable..check connection port/cable plug for foreign objects?? Contact head office of dealer ask for complaints dept!! Good luck Steve
  5. Afternoon Brad,did you get volume/sound issues sorted yet?? In Media settings....bass/treble/fader/dynamic...dynamic setting turns volume up/down when over certain speed to cover rd noise! Hope this helps Regards Steve
  6. Afternoon all..just an update on my MMi sound issues! Dealer I bought from has now replaced/coded new 5f unit for my a3. Everything works properley now. Well done Lookers VW Teeside! So a happy ending for me. How are you getting on with yours Tom?? Regards Steve
  7. Afternoon Magnet, dealer price wrong!!!!??? Dunno what I was thinking of..lol! £465 supply n fit! Looks more like a dealer price eh? Anyway, mot Oct so just looking into them at minute dont want a failure. Think it might be TPS and diy job. Seems my front discs are 288mm (not 312mm 184bhp +quattro)Are they hard to do? Anything different on Audi I need to know?? (done front discs b4 on XR3i) Special tools etc! Any "how to's??" . I am not a muppet but this is 1st Audi. Any help/advice welcome Regards Steve
  8. Afternoon Magnet...sorry for late reply. Thanks for your advice. Just normal driving...no track days!! Audi quoted £285 supply n fit! TPS want £180.50 inc vat! Wouldnt give me part no..booh!! Do you know part no ?. Size? Recomendations?? Regards Steve
  9. Hello all, any ideas on best front discs and pads for A3 2.0TDi 150bhp 2014 sline 3dr Cheers thanks Steve
  10. Hi Tom,yep unfortunatly it just gets worse. Have u tried reset MMi ?? (Handbook) Trying to sort with dealer who I bought it off so cant say too much. When sorted will comment again. Good luck Tom Regards Steve
  11. Hello Steve and Magnet..sorry for delay. New Khumo x2 on front (dealer who I bought car off) New Bridgestones on rear. So all 4 replaced from original Michelins..mileage 54000 now. Still got noise!!!??? Thought wheel bearing as doesnt speed up slow down when revving engine.... Any help gratfully recd Regards Steve
  12. Hello Tom, exactly same for me! But mine has no sound output......sometimes....then works fine!!! Really annoying. Diagnosed by Audi (fixed £60)as intermittent sound output failure on 5F unit. £2800 to replace and program Regards Steve
  13. Evening all. Think I got a bad bearing trying to figure out which 1 !? Are they hard to do/price? Anyone done 1 on here?? How to?? Cheers thanks
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