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Si Slater

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    Gillingham kent
  • Audi Model
    Audi A3 3.2 sline Quattro
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  1. Hi I’m looking for a little help I’m looking for someone in my area which is in the Medway towns kent. To install and program a can gateway in my a3 8p it needs to be someone with vag com and knows how to program as the car won’t start it needs to be someone that’s mobile And not too expensive thanks Si
  2. Your not wrong £2000 to have chains done on mine and all because sach stamped there name a little too hard on the links and made the chains on the 3.2 weak and because they are so called chains for life Audi decided to put them on the back of the engine so only way to get at them is to remove half the car and remove the engine.
  3. Hello Duncan I have full Bose in mine and have had issues. some audis have full Bose and some have half and you are correct about getting an adaptor to get an after market to work but I think the adaptors are different so maybe you have the one which will just connect the front I ended up buying a replacement symphony head unit so I didn’t need to tangle with the mine field of Audi electrics if yours is anything like mine the stereo all runs through the gateway and ecu of the car and is a !Removed! nightmare. as for the amp it is with your sub behind the left side panel in boot. Hope you sort it Si.
  4. Hi Adbro Thanks for reassuring me. I wouldn’t worry about tax and insurance ive had it down to 4 miles to the gallon when my foot gets to heavy So the local shell garage is doing great business with that high octane I’m munching through.
  5. Hello all Its my first post so I will give you a little background . As the title says I must be stupid July 2016 I went out to buy a little fun and stumbled on a A3 3.2 sline Quattro. As soon as I test drove it I fell head over heels in love and quickly made an offer which was snapped up. 2 days later eml was on so I took it back to dealer who without hesitation offered me my money back. I done a little homework and discovered that the problem was due to the chains but I still loved the car so made a deal with the dealer to take it off his hands. I now knew I had to get chains done and set about finding someone to take engine out and replace them well that was easier said than done as no one wanted to touch it but I did find a nice guy from a garage in Lincolnshire who would have a go so it was now September and off to Lincolnshire it went. £2000 later and in December the car was ready great my baby is ready so off I went to get it It drove back without missing a beat and the smile on my face said it all It was now jan 2017 and the car developed a shudder again so back to local garage to find the front drivers driveshaft had self destructed so another £600 was spent now between the driveshaft and now the list just keeps getting bigger so here goes aircon pipes replaced £300 gearbox oil and haldex oil changed £350 front engine mounts £350 front pipe needed to be mended £500 battery drain which took £400 to find it was head unit cv joint £200 refurb alloys £200 rear wiper £100 new battery £100 water pump housing £150 instrument cluster repair £125 and now I need a new can gateway £? Problem is I still love the car and it makes me smile every time I slip it into sport and slam my foot down So back to original question Am I stupid ? Simon
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