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  1. Hi Steve, thanks for the reply. yes I was talking about the panel air filter, did not even know the cones were available. Not really looking to increase mpg and bhp with these at all, mainly for cost as trying to find a service maintenance schedule for a 2008 Q7. ( my q7 is 2008 with 54k) But looking at it not worth it if change of air filter is at 75k!!! £10 each for std against £120ish unless I have wrong schedule or reading it wrong. btw on the tuning side I am looking at tunit or tdi piggy bank if I go that way. Only ones I have researched atm.
  2. Hi all, was wondering if anyone has used the above and decided whether it is worth it or not? only recently purchased ‘The Beast’, as my kids call the q7, and will be keeping for a while hopefully.
  3. Oh, thought the indicator gives a decent indicator of battery voltage. 😥😥 Think I have seen something that I can purchase that will fit into the cig lighter that will tell me the voltage and amps.
  4. Seems like all the time but only had car for less than a month. I have just installed the Dension Gateway with iPod in centre console, not a lot of room in the glove department and need that 👍👍 i do have an universal obd2 but think I need a certain type to enable the hidden green screen if I cannot see it after pressing and holding setup and car
  5. Thanks for that Dave, tried again but nothing 😥😥😥 thats the reason why I like to have the battery indicator, Audi dealer saying I need to change battery due to slow start but like to check first
  6. Hi Dave, thanks for the videos and links. i have tried holding down setup and car buttons but nothing shows up and have read that the mmi has to be 5570 to enable the hidden green menu? Don’t know if you have the battery level on an un updated mmi? i was looking for the faults for mmi so I can use it to get the upgrade from Audi dealer. lol
  7. Yes that’s correct on the long life but I think the battery is on it’s way out. Believe it should be closer to 13 volts and when car is started should jump but not lower than 10.5 then stabilise at 14 volts ish.
  8. Hi all, new to forum and only recently purchased my ‘new’ baby 😜😜 loving the car and just need to sort out a few wear and tear stuff but was wondering if the update to 5570 is required for battery level etc? i have spoken to Audi and they say that the upgrade can cause more issues and will not update unless I have faults that this will correct? Sounds like there are known faults but not public? I tried to google this but cannot find information on faults being solved by an update or recalls to that matter. i will be printing off the pdf of instructions from Trevor but was wondering if anyone has had faults or anything that the update has solved? i have enclosed, hopefully a screen shot of the system now. regards
  9. Thanks for your help Steve, its the case of someone else being able to get into my car, maybe thinking too much. The service book all say long life service. I have decide to take to another garage for services etc. Tried to test battery with a load but coming up with error as something is getting a feed. went to Halfords and they had the same problem too. battery voltage is 12.5 reading.
  10. Thanks Steve. yes the key part is in the owners manual concerning deregistering and it’s the emergency key that’s missing. I have the 2 key remotes and both operate the car. i have since contacted Audi uk with vin number and they say that the details are on the system for the 3 services but of course none for the last 2 and when asked for paperwork at the time of purchase the company said they have it, just not at hand and will send to me. (Guess that’s my fault but asked before hand about the service and they said yes full service). Maybe they were right in saying get a full service at Audi for peace of mind?? the battery is under the passenger seat and I will need to look at it to see if old or newish, think I have a tester somewhere..
  11. Thanks Joe, I have a few questions if you all don’t mind and please bear with me as this car I have is 10 years old, but my first Audi and I only purchased beginning of this month. 1) how easy is it to upgrade the mmi software? I am assuming it’s just a case of getting the upgrade software and letting it run? I did ask Audi when I took her in for a health check and they said no upgrade unless I have faults with anything? The reason for this is I like to have the battery indicator level to ensure the battery is healthy. 2) also asked about the keys registered to the vehicle, I have 2 remotes but no backup key given to me and in the manual after taking the vehicle I read that I need to unregister the key that is missing. Asked about this and they also told me that you should only have 2 keys and nothing is registered on Audi. This was told to me without him looking at the screen to even check. Is that also right? 3) as this car is 10 years old and has 53k I also asked about the different between long life service and normal service as I will only be doing approx 10k a year and as the vehicle has had 3 Audi services and then last 2 were ex Audi, he said that I need to bring back to Audi for a full service to get the service book back to Audi recommend service history?? What the hell is that about? I only asked what the difference was between the two services and whether I need to stick to long life service or not. 4) after my first and hopefully my last visit to this Audi centre I am looking for a decent garage in the Manchester area to take my Audi to now to repair the leaking oil bush and hopefully I will sort out the mmi so I can check the battery level indicator instead of relying on Audi telling me that the battery is on its way out due to not starting up straight away (£400)!! That £400 and the rest of the ‘we recommend to change’ charges could go to another Armani suit just to wear when I have to go to Audi centre again.lol dont get me wrong, I know it’s expensive to maintain an Audi (I have had luxury cars previously) but it’s the attitude they were showing me that put me off. Hope someone here can help me. regards
  12. Hi Steve and thanks for welcome. 58 plate 4.2L 👍👍
  13. Hi all, just taken ownership of an Audi Q7 on the 1/3/18. loving the car but taken in for a health care at Audi centre 2 days ago and found out car oil bush on passenger side leaking and a few other things too 😥😥 Having a lot of minor issues with this car and where I purchase from.
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