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Glen last won the day on July 16 2013

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    R8 V10

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  1. I think people would almost certainly pay a premium for guilt free eco motoring. It's kind of the in thing right now within the motoring wold in general. Glen!
  2. I think it looks good in the pictures. Welcome to the club. Glen!
  3. Welcome to the club. I share Techs sentiments, nice car. Glen!
  4. Hello Audi owners. I'm sure that at some point in all of our lives we have had a day where we just don't feel like doing anything. A day when you trudged off to work or school when all you wanted to do was sit down and do nothing. It's a day when your motivation took a holiday in Barbados and left you behind. They happen, it's a part of being human but I believe, through the power of watching the Tudors from Showtime, that I have found the answer. The back story is this; Anne Boleyn walked to the scaffold to have her head lopped off. This got me thinking about my own mortality, which cheered me up. Then, later in the series Katherine Howard happened to suffer the same fate but before she became a head height shorter she said this "life is very beautiful!" This got me thinking again, but not about my own mortality, but of all the hours I wasted enjoying a lye in on Saturday. I thought also of all the times I sat down in front of the telly, and watched something I didn't want to watch, only when quizzed about my choice of programming, to answer "nothing else on". Ultimately I thought of all those hours of my beautiful life that I wasted doing a whole lot of nothing. Couple this thought with the thought of mortality and only having a limited time on the earth and I quickly came to this solution. YOLO is for chavs who can't speak properly and Carpe Diem is a tad old. So I unveil to you a more poetic motto; when I die I want to have lived a life that makes people looking back on it think "his was a life worth living" That's motivation for you.
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  5. I think it will need a new cluster and since it's 2004 I would think no to coding. I'm no expert mechanic though so I could be wrong. Glen!
  6. Welcome to the club my friend, will take a look at your post. Glen!
  7. That does sound strange that a 4 wheel drive machine can't go through water. I'm thinking there's more to this but I've got to be honest in saying I'm not sure what. Glen!
  8. WOW, you have quite the Audi history. Welcome to the club. Glen!
  9. Hi to you to, welcome to the club. Glen.
  10. I don't have anything fresh to add to Techs advice but I will wish you the best of luck getting the issue sorted. Glen!
  11. Welcome to the club mate. Glen!
  12. As far as I know most diesels have turbos. I would expect the Recon engines do. Glen!
  13. That's a useful guide, thanks for that. Glen!
  14. Hi and thanks :) Welcome to the club. Glen!
  15. You're right, not many A8 peeps around here. Good to have you on board. Glen!
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