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Bearded Mag

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    Audi A4 Avant 170 B7
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  1. Out for a long drive yesterday and my wife realised her jacket was soaking wet when we stopped? Thinking it was a spill from a water bottle she had there thought nothing of it just got to work this morning and the carpet is drenched! Any ideas what this could be? Or if anyone has had similar can they point me in the right direction as to how to sort it? Cheers Kris
  2. Just a couple of pics of the badges I changed at the weekend. Blacked out the front and rear and also the Sline badges. Cray how such a little job can alter the look of the car! :)
  3. Afternoon All, Bulbs gone in my passenger side front main beam. What would you recommend as a replacement? And how easy is it to change? Heard that you have to take the bumper off to change the bulb which sounds berserk haha! Cheers Kris
  4. YEah I'll wait till this beast from whatever has passed before I attempt it!
  5. Areet All, Just bought myself an Audi A4 Avant 2.0TDI 170hp 2007/2008 and absolutely love it! Perfect Cod Mobile ;) However, I have a couple of issues crop up. 1st Issue. My driver window doesn't appear to work. All the other windows work fine using the switch panel on driver door. Is there a way to test if the motor is knackered before I take it all apart etc? Or would I need to do this to find a fault. 2nd Issue. I had a run in with a fox on way back from fishing the other night. Nothing harmed but I had a bit of a moment with a metal tripod and my rear view mirror. Basically it flew forward straight into the mirror and its knocked it completely off the windscreen. There is no damage at all to the mounting plate or mirror (surprisingly) but I've been to the Audi garage and Autoglass and both have said that I'll need to completely replace the windscreen. In my eyes it needs bonded back on but don't want to jump in feet first and end up having to replace the windscreen because I'm a bulb. Bit of a scrawl but cheers for reading Kris [:)
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