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Everything posted by jonrichards21

  1. Well Glen I made it to my own bed...wouldn't fancy sleeping in the car, Edinburgh is cold at the moment. To be honest I am having so much fun with the Audi I seriously think I wont be going looking else where anymore , I'm smitten with it. It holds the road so well, its quick and responsive and you know your driving a really well engineered car.
  2. Hi steve, thanks for the welcome. If truth be known..I am loving it. " quote from wife.." If you love that car that much you can and sleep in it"... :) I nealy did...!!!
  3. Hi Mark, Its the A3 1.9 TDI SE on a 56 plate 39000 miles on the clock, Mint condition. I Have been playing all day in it. It is a compromise to a Type R which i couldn't get just yet...But It is an awesome compromise. I absolutly love it. Thanks for the post
  4. Evening all..Just thought I would share my excitment of being an Audi A3 owner for the first time in about 10 hours. I have loved Audi's now for many years and now I am an owner. Happy days ;-)
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