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Batman last won the day on September 13 2018

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    Gotham City
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  1. I suppose reading this that I should be thankful the Audi TT is resolutely little.
  2. Hey Matt you made it. Ya gotta remember to call me Batman around here though, gotta a mask to keep on ya know
  3. I share Glens doubts about any disappointment with your future motor. Should be really nice for sure. Welcome to the club in advance.
  4. Ha, it is a coincidence for sure. Welcome to the Audiowenersclub Joker. Not sure Batman would ever say that in the movies.
  5. Welcome to the club mate. Good to have you on board.
  6. Welcome to the club mate.
  7. £600 is a bit steep I must admit but the 80 has been out of production for a while now so I'm not sure how much cheaper you'll get it no matter how much you shop around.
  8. I'm brooding, because I'm Batman! Big welcome to the club mate "raises a glass" to chatting!
  9. Hi to you to, welcome to the club. I need to make up a new welcome because I keep repeating Glen.
  10. I'm Batman and I welcome you to the club.
  11. Mark liked that one. My first thought was has Mark commented and he had. Welcome to the club mate.
  12. I'm with Mark and Glen, not sick on any level. If you meant it gets boring welcoming people to the club then you couldn't be more wrong. I think the welcome I received is what kept me around rather than just forgetting about the forum. Welcome to the club in any case.
  13. Hi Dorem. I did have an A4 a few years ago before (admittedly) my midlife crisis came along and I upgraded to a TT. My wife still uses the A4 though and I do still drive it and it's never put a foot wrong, unlike the TT which recently developed a glitch. Welcome to the club.
  14. Welcome to the club Phil, hope your experiences are good ones.
  15. I'd read that the 3.2 is a strong reliable engine myself but I know nothing's bulletproof (mechanically speaking). I'm getting it checked into a nearby Audi specialist soon and I've written down what you said so that they can check it. Taking it in as I don't trust myself to do it personally. Best get it checked in case it turns into a bigger problem in the future. Thanks to you all for helping, anything goes missing in your house and the worlds greatest detective is right here !
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