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    A4 TDi S Line 190
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  1. Good afternoon Gareth, Thank you very much for your reply, it's just one of those noises that is both irritating and as I don't know what it is, makes me even more suspicious. Steve has indeed lent his expert advice as far as my explanation gave and certainly something to remain mindful of. Yes, indeed and although technically mindful and achieving an Electro Technical PhD in recent years, I'm still always apprehensive when toying around with cars; mostly because of the safety aspect and not being entirely comfortable with the procedure. I have scheduled an appointment into Audi MD for this coming Saturday and so hopefully they will advise on the root cause. As you mentioned Gareth, my car is indeed only just over 4 years old and as I have looked after the car well (avoiding harsh wheels cleaners etc.) it would be extremely unfortunate to be met with that degree of rust. The noise itself only is heard once the car has warmed up, for example; if i leave the car overnight and make my commute to work the following morning, it isn't until the car has traveled around 10 miles before the noise can be heard. I hope that makes sense. As I said, I have the car booked in this weekend and I shall definitely return back with a diagnosis and subsequent repair, fingers crossed. Thank you for your help Gareth, much appreciated as always. Kind regards, Benjamin
  2. Hi Steve, Thank you very much for your prompt reply, much appreciated. I know! The last issue I had was NSF wheel bearing and the low droonnnnnneeeeeeee of that is certainly different to this irritating squeak! Now that you've said that, it makes more sense. Do you think it would be worthwhile in just taking it in for the garage to investigate further? Further information, I did check all wheels on Sunday for pad depth and they appear to be well within their respective allowance. I know that it at the moment, it isn't hindering my drive but as always (and with everything), I like to be proactive rather than letting things deteriorate unnecessarily. If it were to be the caliper, is there any particular reason this happens or is it simply due to degradation of the part? Thank you once again, I really appreciate your help. Kind regards, Benjamin
  3. Dear all, As you were all so fantastic regarding my last problem I encountered some months ago, I wanted to return and ask for your expert advice once again. For the past week or so I have noticed a slight irritating squeaking noise that appears only when the car is moving and once warmed up, the reason I have heard this is because i very much live in the countryside where there are narrow lanes and tall hedgerows either side; the car noises are deflected where as on the open road it's difficult to make out what's road noise and what's the car itself. To describe this in more detail, the squeaking starts once warmed up and seems to increase and decrease in speed with the MPH. It's coming from the rear, nearside of the car and I'm assuming as the noise picks up with the revolutions, the wheel itself. I haven't really pushed the sound testing as it's difficult to differentiate between the wind noise at higher speeds but at lower speeds it remains but does not increase in pitch, it's a constant squeaking. It almost sounds as if something is rubbing, metal to metal as it's that kind of audible pitch of sound. Now the tyres themselves have only clocked between 2,000 - 3,000 miles as I had the front two replaced 4 months ago and the rear around 3 months ago; all Continental Premium Contact 6's. It has 43,000 on the clock and serviced (Audi Long Life 2 years/20,000 miles) 6,000 miles ago. I haven't had anything checked out yet as business is busy and I would need to schedule a trip to my Audi MD. If you guys (or girls) could give me any pointers or comments I'd be most appreciative, I have looked around and under the car when washing it on Sunday afternoon but cannot see anything impaired, visually. Thank you in advance and I look forward to your replies. Kind regards, Benjamin
  4. UPDATE : Further to this thread I created yesterday regarding the humming noise whilst driving, I had both front tyres replaced this morning for Continental Sport Contact 6's as the existing 5P's were both under 2.5mm. Prior to this, my garage carried out a road test along with a comprehensive stethoscope test; the results were that the NSF wheel bearing was failing and required replacement in the very near future. The OSF appeared to be in good condition and I was advised this only be replaced when applicable. This has now been booked in with Audi M/D to be completed alongside my Long Life service and heating element re-call! (I'll collect the car in a week then ha!) I'll keep you updated with the conclusion. In the meantime, could any of you advise if the OSF wheel bearing should be replaced as well? As I have heard various stories of changing pairs. Thank you all in advance. Kind regards, BC
  5. I will do and thank you once again for your replies, it's always good to gain a different perspective. Exactly, I entirely agree! Apart from when you wash it weekly and can always identify new little stone chips or marks and thinking; HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?! The pain is real! Enjoy your day. BC
  6. Hi Steve, Thank you for the reply, I shall get it checked out where i normally go for tires & tracking and hopefully they can conclude or eliminate that prospect. Without sounding obscene, I've had my A4 from new, it's been my pride and joy and with it, always serviced, maintained and looking after where applicable so (I'd like to think) it's nothing serious due to neglect on my part. Thank you Steve, I'd get back in touch to report in due course. Kind regards, BC
  7. Hi Steve, Thank you very much and yes, I'm sure they are. The noise is audible from the cabin but seems to originate from the lower passenger foot well area when I am driving; so could potentially be from the engine bay. I have had the passenger window down to listen but with no real conclusion reached! The low humming doesn't exist whilst idling or revving in neutral but gets increasingly 'louder' as the MPH increases. It does however, sit comfortably at 70-75 in 6th. I have checked for anything 'loose' but nothing visual can be identified underneath or from looking over the engine whilst running. I hope that helps. Thank you. BC
  8. The recall takes an age to complete! I managed to amalgamate mine with my long life service due in 3 weeks time. When I asked how long it would take, they advised to allow a working day. Also, I was informed the heater element reaches it's upper limit and then triggers its thermal cut-out. So hopefully no fires!
  9. Good morning everyone, I'm new, just joined and wanted just a little bit of help and guidance if I may. I have an A4 TDi SLine 190 2014 38K approx. on the clock. So as of yesterday afternoon I noticed a low humming noise that was only apparent upon acceleration from stationary, through the gears and existing upon motorway driving at around 70 MPH; the low drone doesn't emit vibration or any loss of performance. I am unfortunately one of those people that notices noises, I observe and sometimes fall victim to my own applied interest! I haven't noticed this noise before Sunday and to give complete transparency to the situation, the only possible contributing factor is that I hit a tonne twenty on my way home on an open 2 mile straight. (This was only for a couple of minutes or less) I didn't notice anything for the remainder of my journey either. Does anybody have any ideas or suggestions? I have been told that tires are sometimes the cause but with 2 Continental Sport Contact 6's on the back, having done less that 2,000 miles and 2 Continental Sport Contact 5P's on the front with 4mm left, so I don't see that being an issue? Winter service was completed January 2018, MOT completed this April and Long Life Service 20,000/2 years due next month. Am I being overly conscious of the changing road conditions or is it worth getting it checked out? Thank you in advance, your help is much appreciated. Kind regards, BC
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