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Everything posted by trik

  1. hi you all. about the question i ask above... can i also say / ask... i found this online by chance. http://www.dsldevelopments.com/brodit/fitting_Instructions/Mounts.asp?Brodit=848699&Make=Nokia&Model=5110 it says it fits the nokia 6310i. as any 1 of you used this or anything like it.? what you recon.? thanks.
  2. Hi all, can i ask a strange question (another you say) the Audi phone cradle for Nokia 6310 / 6310i 8D0051435AE New genuine Audi part https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Audi-phone-cradle-for-Nokia-6310-6310i-8D0051435AE-New-genuine-Audi-part-/122965577244 how does this or were does this connect in the car.? car is 2004 1.9tdi a4 b6 estate. (not my car , my fathers) he as the nokia 6310i for 15yr or so. he as the factory fitted car kit in his merc w210 model (which he still as), but now use the a4 more as its an estate, so i thought i'd get him a cradle for the 6310i & a4, i found this 1 online but i have no idea if its compatable or were it plugs into the a4. any idea's please. thank you...
  3. hi lee, ye.. he got a old hose that was the same size & put that on with another on the other side so water wouldnt go all over the place. were or how he got his hand to the air pipe inside the car, sorry i dont no. but i be speaking to him soon.., il ask him how he done it & let you no. but ye, what you said,, doesn't blow much or any thing at the screen ...sounds how dad used to talk about his car sometimes. talk to you mate.
  4. how you doing lee mate. if it wasn't for you relpying i would of totally forgot. but yes, this car is my dad's 7 with the weather now cold out, you need warm air / warm car. wear hat scarf with driving gloves are back the 80's. when i went down the parents we took the 2 pipes just on the passenger side of the battery (uk cars) going into the heater, then flushed it out, there was a nice bit of crapy water come out, put the pipes back on. & the next time i spoke to my dad (day or 2 after) he said that there was heat & it was bit better. the next thing he did say that he got his hand up the back of the dash & 1 of the air pipes going to the top (i just thought he means either the window screen or the car people vents) was not completely on, & he pushed it on & that the heat is much better. when he brought the car (think it was around april this yr, 2018) got it with no nct / mot or tax, & there was 1 or 2 problems with it (nothing major). the problems was, 1 the engine mount' was broken. 2 the water was going. could tell mount' was gone, he put car in 1st gear & i was on the floor looking basiclly at he sump, so when he come off the clutch the whole engine jumps back. this was quick fix (not expensive for new part). the water lose.. couldn't find this. the head is ok. no tell tail signs. hose's ok (clips..), the carpets ok. , (i brought a an inspection camera about 2yr ago, its ok,its handy) so i was under the car with the camera, right at the back of engine theres a black plastic housing with 3pipes on, this looked like there was a slight drip (when i say a drip, i mean like 1 plop of a drip may-be every ...week... lol, but when the engine is hot the water would drip a lot easier. we took this black housing off, cleaned the old gasket of & re-fitted with new gasket paper & still to this day its never given a days trouble & no water lose. the dad love's this car, 1.9 130bhp say's its a little flier. we just done the time belt & water pump about 2 - 3 weekend's ago. basically got a clean bill of health. he done the oil not so long ago as-well. any how's thanks for the reply lee, talk to you again soon.
  5. how you doing gareth mate.? hahaha☺️... you made me laugh a bit then, (thanks, been boaring day at work) .. ...the days of mechanical levers and controls for heating...☺️ yes...im still in the days of the old mk2 ford escort ...etc. etc.. this a4 is my dad's car, he's rubbish with computers or pc's, so i joined this audi site for a heads up / help or to see what others have done or how they aproach the / a job. then we i go down to the parents il have an idea what my dad is saying or doing. again thanks for the reminder & the laugh. I have the 530 e61 bmw. but i like doing jobs with the dad,.. & car / mechanics are intresting tho. you ever done the flush or controls your self.? talk to you soon.. happy halloween mate.
  6. hi magnet, thanks for reply & help. il be going at it the wk-end (if its not to cold outside, or raining), hope the heater unit asn't gone, dont really want to remove it, seems a bit of a pain. il probably go try flush it 1st & hope all goes well. yes, that's what one of the lads said to me ...as a lever or something come off the heater controls at the back.? i have a camera thing thats on a 6ft bendy cable thing which connects to a small visual screen & it lets you look into small spaces. (inspection camera are the called). il have look with this & see if i can see anything strange. il let you know what happens. thanks again for help & advise. talk to you soon
  7. Hi all. how you doing.? am i correct.... ? in the car the heater dont blow warm / hot air, cold yes. i presume the thermostat is working, we plugged the car in before to test if any codes came up for anything ..came with a code for map sensor, but nothing else. so i looked over a page & seen that... if the heater is not blowing warm / hot air, then a heater core flush will probably fix issue. to do this, do i just take the pipe's off to the heater under the bonnet connect 1 to a hose going to a tap & the other to a run off hose. then push water though it slowly until it runs clean. Then do it again but changing the pipes around. then when ive done this put the 2 pipes back on the heater core.? how would i bleed the system then tho..? doing the above is this a heater core flush.? you think it will fix my issue.? thanks all for any help.
  8. hi ya steve, how you doing mate? thanks for reply & help. yes, i seen something on the net saying wat you say, but then it takes the cd changer box out of use. so, my next idea is... wait for it... i seen a fm car transmitter, that plugs into the ciggrette lighter, then you tune that to a blank radio ferqency, then bluetooth a mp3 or .... to the fm transmitter & the audio on the mp3 or ... plays through the cars system. This is for a xmas gift for me dad's car. I had a 1998 525 bmw for 12yrs & only upgraded to a 2009 530, the 1998 had a great system in but i wished i knew about this fm gismo thing. the 2009 car can play any audio by any means. Have you heard or used 1 of these fm transmitters.? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Transmitter-VicTsing-Bluetooth-Handsfree-Wireless-Grey/dp/B01K4R8RLM/ref=sr_1_5?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1539630280&sr=1-5&keywords=fm+transmitter+car cheers, talk to you soon.
  9. hi all, can you help us please.? this is my dad's car (a4 b6 estate , 1.9tdi). he as the standard hifi system. can i ask... is it possible to connect a ipod or mp3.? thanks all.
  10. Hi all. can i ask please.? the map sensor on the a4 1.9 tdi estate , am i correct to say that its on the passenger side of the engine behind the head light.? like on the 2.5 tdi. or is it some were else.? meaning the hole head light be removed to change this map sensor. reason for change of the sensor is we plugged the car in & it gave us a code 17564 with the discription passive manifold absoulte pressure (map) sensor -G71 ,open circuit / short to ground. it as not put a light on the dash of any kind, if you could verify the location would help great. thanks all.
  11. hi adbro, (all) so sorry im only getting back now, hope u all well. but any way, i have a Autel MaxiDiag Elite MD802 For 4 System DS Model. it plugs into a car & reads the codes & lets you reset. so we changed the battery in the fob, pluged in the car, it did give us a few codes (we wrote them down to check them out at a later date) then reset the system. since this the car as been locking / unlocking all the time... touch wood it carrys on working. the above autel car reader is a great little tool. thanks adbro. & all. talk to you later & very sorry im late getting to reply.
  12. Good morning Steve q..thanks mate. I'm going out shortly after breakfast to mess & look over the car ,& see what else I can break 🙂, I ment to say fix ☺️☺️. Have good bank holiday. Talk back later..
  13. hi ya adbro mate, thanks for your reply. i see you location is nuneaton ...( birmingham...i take it,. ..my birth place....but over in ireland for the 2nd half of me life ,.for 22yrs ) but yes, brought the car the other day, well me dad brought it, i has the 525tds 1998 bmw e39 & he as the e300 td 1999 w211 merc both cars, but he wanted a estate to move & fetch a few things, & it was / is cheaper than hiring a van & then the mother as a car to run about in. to answer your question , yes mate, the guy he buy the car from only had 1 key/ fob which seems nothing wrong with it, but with circuit board, who can tell by looking at it unless you take it into a electronic's place were they can test them. (if there is such place that can test these little things,) thanks for warm welcome aswell mate, haha...
  14. Hi all, hope your well. i got a audi a4 estate 2003 1.9 diesel. ive not long had it & when i got the car the seller only had 1 key / key fob to pass to me, (so i only got 1 key / fob.) ive read a few things on the net, my thing is 1- im looking for abit of help ..please... 2-my problem..haha...with the car...not me personally, haha.. all doors & tail gate is closed. i zap the key fob to lock. & nothing happens. so i read that it could be simple fuse, or a costly vacum pump. i sat in the car & i pressed the all door lock on the button inside the car, this looks all the car. i got friend to try the key fob to unlock it & nothing. tried the key in the driver door & nothing . same on the tail gate. opened the car with the same button that i pressed to lock it inside the car all opened & you can hear the central lock all go click (on the locking as well as the unlocking). i have changed the battery in the fob, (no joy). i will check the fuse's tomorrow. (hopefully be my fix). i read that it could be a vac pump. at a cost. i read that the pump is in the back right hand side for the car. but i read this on a car not an estate. is this pump in the same place.? if i get down to this pump whats the chance it could just be a air pipe split.? is there any way i can check this pump befor i remove it.? any other things that it could be or i can check,? i have a Autel MD802 OBD2 Code Reader car diagnostic machine, its fairly good you no. i used it on a e320 merc & it told me about the bad injector. i would recomend the unit. but not sure if it work on my above fob issue. any ideas please...thanks thanks all, if i dont hear form you..enjoy the nice weather..how long it last...is anyones guess. laters.
  15. HI all.. how you all doing? nice fine weather, hope you enjoying it. im new to the audi site, im a big fan of xbox1 & im not even a member of there forums ...yet... Il talk to you soon. take it easy....
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