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Everything posted by Allanmania

  1. So car went in on the Friday 1st June to get that valve fitted... Still not working properly so he narrowed it down to a couple of wires something about they are fluctuating from 3V to 7V when they should be at a steady 5V. Anyway on Saturday evening he called to say they still couldnt find the issue. He sent away the ECU on Monday so hoping to hear later this week. He hasnt mentioned cost so far 🙈.. Another week with no car... I have been looking at an A5 or a TT for my next car but this is seriously putting me off..
  2. So the garage have identified another valve that is well known to fail... Sorry I cant remember what he called it. They have been waiting on delivery of the part which arrived today. Car is booked in for Friday. Fingers crossed.
  3. So the update so far... I have to phone back tomorrow afternoon. The garage have done a regeneration as the Exhaust light has came back on. Which was obvious as I have been driving in limp mode. Hes going to check the electrics (which the previous garage already did btw) if its not that then hes saying its the ECU sending the wrong signal? Update you guys tomorrow but I have a feeling I still wont have a working Audi A3.... Frustrated!
  4. Thanks guys, Just to update. I have spoken to the guy at the third garage. He advised the replacement of the EGR valve. When I explained to him this had already been done (I did explain when I dropped the car off but seems lack of communication) he said he needed to have another look at the car. So back in it goes on the 24th May. In the meantime am driving it with the lights on. no doubt it will require yet another DPF clean by the time it goes in to get looked at.
  5. So I have a 2011 Audi A3. I have been driving it for the last 3 years do about 15,000pa and service regularly. A month ago my Engine Management light popped on and then the coil light flashing. I took it in to Arnold Clark expecting a quick fix and to be on my way.. Arnold Clark did the diagnostic and politly told me it would be £1129 to fit a new EGR valve. Now I dont know about you guys but I dont have £1129 lying around so I went on "mycarneedsa" and got a quote from a local garage of £650. Result.... car spent over a week the garage replaced the EGR valve twice but when I got my car back both lights still on and no power "limp mode" I think someone called it. He said he didnt know what was wrong with it and gave me a number of another garage. So into third garage. Which I forgot to mention the Exhaust light was now on as well. So third garage fixes the DPF at £72.00 drive round the corner Management light back on and coil light back on. So third garage has now said EGR valve needs replaced. at the cost of £425.... I havent put it in yet and I am still driving the car with the lights on ( no doubt meaning another DPF clean next week) Just wondered if anyone else has known of this issue and could advise. Many thanks
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