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  1. Hi just managed to get a local garage to diagnose and yes it is just the seized caliper. It only got hot on the bendy roads near my destination (ok on motorway) and thus seized entirely. I didnt have enough tools to any DIY repairs. Also as I drove it in the garage (only 1 mile from where i had stopped) there was a twang from the near side opposite side to the caliper and the spring had broken. Only now need the third thing to appear. Thanks for the response everyone - appreciated.
  2. will be taking wheel off and checking for this... but somehow doubt it...but wont rule anything out.
  3. Hi all.. Just arrived in Cornwall for a few days holiday. And when I say just... I just made it. AUDI A3 8p 2010 250 mile journey and at about 220 miles after a bit of hard braking the car started juddering lightly, it got far worse when I braked. Stopped the car to check wheels were tight (just had 2 new tyres, so could have been loose). All good, and no movement in bearings etc that I could discern. Started off again and it was ok, smooth and smooth braking, later on it started the light juddering again and when braking hard juddering. Stopped again. Still couldnt see anything. Started off again and light juddering which then disappeared but then came back together with hard brake judder every now and then. Then a mile from our destination I noticed the car slowing down too much in between gear changes. I coasted to see and it slowed down as though the brakes were slightly on. I reached our destination and yes the offside front caliper was seized o and of course vey hot. no ABS or engine light on at all. So I am thinking this is not mechanical as in warped discs or anything like that but perhaps a caliper problem, or perhaps an ABS pump problem. Any opinions or advice? Returning (supposedly in 3 days - fat chance of a garage being free for any repair) Andy
  4. Hi all New to this forum. I have an SE Executive A6 2016 and its great in Buckinghamshre with small (17 inch) wheels and soft suspension as the roads are so bad..... It's a relief from the BMW 635D I had which bashed and crashed. However!...... Out of Buckinghamshire the roads are better (in the main) and then the suspension is too soft and the roll around the corners is pretty bad. My wifes standard A3 is far better as well as my 14 year old Vectra with 188k on the clock. I have seen some ads for aftermarket adjustable suspension but reading reviews they seem to adjust from firm to very firm at the press of a switch , where I just want soft to firm. Have any members tried any such suspension units out and if so what are your experiences? Thanks
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