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  1. yes brilliant thanks for the reply whoosh
  2. thanks for the upfate
  3. hi glen, thanks for replying. it was the bulb that needed replacing, which wasnt the easiest of tasks. but i idid want to check the fuse before i changed the bulb, and as regard the handbook it only lists afs headights ( advanced front lighting system) right and left fuse 5 and 6. when i checked the fuse 5 and 6 had nothing exept where 6 should have been it had a conector that disappeared behind the dash. any help for the future might be good
  4. just a quickie (again). fuse for a3 halogen lights cant see them listed in the handbook any ideas heres hoping
  5. morning folks, just a quickie, head light bulb blown on a3 2009. seems almost impossible to get to. anyone changed one, if so could you share the method ta
  6. thanks for replying folks im just deciding wether it will br worth the hastle of dropping the roof liner. no doubt the motor will look better
  7. yes youre right that does sound resonable,but pricey,its that the motor does need something to finish it off. thankd for the info
  8. hi all, trying to find chrome roof rails to fit to a standatd 1.6 tdi, red. ive not checked out the dealers but i imagine they would be a fortune. any info would be good i was offered a pair for £500 from a breakers, is that reasonable?. also how difficult to remove the roof linning
  9. to be fair its no worse than anywhere else, nice to leave work early though especially being friday
  10. evening recently joined the club to read up on all the latest goss etc. daughter has just brought an A3 1.6 tdi sportback, so will help where we can and hopefully share all your knowledge!!
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