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  1. Yeah, it was brand spanking new - 19 miles on the clock! I've now done about 1,400 miles and it has definitely eased off, but still occasionally noticeable. It's not having any other effect like feedback or pulling, so hopefully it is, as you say, just a bedding in issue! I had it in last week to look at another issue which was a clanking noise coming from the brake pedal when it was released (I'd posted this in another thread and someone said they had the same issue and got it fixed) - they admitted there was an issue and need a replacement part, so hopefully I'll get that fixed in the next week or two. Other than that, it's running like a dream!
  2. I'm afraid I don't know the answers to your question, but would like to hear what people say about this one as it's a bugbear of mine. B
  3. Awesome, thank you!
  4. Ah cool, let me check this evening and fingers crossed there's something I can untick - thanks!
  5. Great, thank you - I just assumed it was something that couldn't be fixed, but I'll report it and see what they say. I wonder if it's related to my squeaky brakes issue... Do you have any detail on what the technician said / reported so I could get a head start when I call them?
  6. Hi - I've had a brand new Q5 for about a month now and I've done about 900 miles. Initially the breaks were squealing and I just assumed it was cause it was brand new, but it's still happening after 900 miles - is this normal? Should I get it seen to? Thanks in advance.
  7. Hi I got a new Q5 last month and I remember when I was playing with the MMI, I selected something to alert me when there was a coffee shop coming up (what can I say, I like coffee!). Now it's just a pain in the neck and I don't know how to turn it off - driving through a city centre it bleeps every few seconds - help! I can't find anything in map settings or connect settings but I'm sure there will be a menu option somewhere. Thanks in advance.
  8. Hi - is that a noise when you remove your foot quickly from the brake pedal? I get the same thing!
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