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  1. Hi Steve & thanks for the welcome, After contacting my local Audi dealership that supplied the car they reset the service timer for me and so now I would expect the oil service to be in the new year based on the probable 1 year service setting. I shall bear in mind the phone around advice when the time comes. Thanks, Bill.
  2. Sometimes it's simple, I took the car into the Audi dealership and they just reset the oil change indicator, problem solved with no chew. Happy days! Bill.
  3. Hi Gareth, I can assure you that Yorkshire is Brexit country, my ability to drive in either a Kilometers or Miles setting is a skill I picked up from years of overseas work, not easy to master, but do-able with practise! An email has been sent to the salesman that 'dealt' with me at time of purchase and hopefully a reply will be forthcoming tomorrow, I noticed in the handbook that it is possible to turn off the 'Oil change required' dashboard notification but I don't know what Audi response would be for any future warranty claims, but, I purchased a 'brand new unregistered car' and service intervals should reflect this. Bill.
  4. Hi Gareth and thanks for your reply, the car isn't on PCP and the KM is correct, (almost 2,500 miles). There was a discussion during purchase as to type of driving expected, short & infrequent versus long & frequent distances, I fitted into the first category then. Thanks, Bill.
  5. Hi folks, I'm a newbie to this forum and have had my TT since Jan this year. It's now done 4,000km in 7 months but is now informing me that an oil change is due which I think is very early? As it was a 'new but showroom model' could it be that the '"start time" of countdown to service was several months before purchase and if so, what can I reasonable expect from Audi in your opinion?? I called my local dealer just to enquire on cost of an oil change and was quoted a staggering £350!!! Than ks in advance for some advice. Bill.
  6. Hi folks, I'm a newbie to this forum and have had my TT since Jan this year. It's now done 4,000km in 7 months but is now informing me that an oil change is due which I think is very early? As it was a 'new but showroom model' could it be that the '"start time" of countdown to service was several months before purchase and if so, what can I reasonable expect from Audi in your opinion?? I called my local dealer just to enquire on cost of an oil change and was quoted a staggering £350!!! Than ks in advance for some advice. Bill.
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