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Everything posted by FilipFeelipe

  1. Hi Gareth, Thanks for your respond. It happened today so I don’t know literally what’s gonna happen next. Red lasers were pointing on my car & camera flashed. I’ve been searching through a few websites, some of caught ones got letter from German speed enforcement group, some of them didn’t hear anything from them. I thought my speed was slightly above 110 km/h on 80 km/h. Now I started to use Waze App to avoid any other tickets on my way. Would you recommend any other apps to use in Europe? Kind regards
  2. Hi there, I’m new to this website so if this topic is not appropriate in here I’m sorry. I have just got caught by speed camera on Autobahn in Germany. Will they send me fine for speeding to UK? My car plates hasn’t got GB plate as picture mentioned the front of my vehicle. Kind regards
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