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Lion Heart

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  1. Hi Gareth Yes, the smoke does have a smell to it. I'm not sure if it's a diesel smell, but I'd say it kind of has a sooty smell to it. BUt it only starts to smoke and have the idle juddering after approximately 60 seconds of running. During the 60 apporox seconds it's absolutely spot on. And then again when the smoke clears after a couple of minutes and the car is warmed up it's perfect.
  2. Hi guys! I'm having an issues with my 2.0 TDI. I've posted before, and working for a solution, so thanks for sticking by me if you read mypast post. But a very interesting development... Basically, I'm getting a rough idle and lots of smoke when COLD (100% fine when warmed up). Now, the interesting bit... Having run some tests on this I'm finding that the car is 100% FINE for the first approximately 60 seconds or thereabouts. THEN the rough idle and smoking begins. When you first fire it up super-smooth, no issues. Wait around 60 seconds, engine shuddering on the idle, and lots of smoke. No overheating issues, no 'cheese' on the oil cap, pretty sure it's not a head gasket issue. In the past on a petrol I have leaking valve rings, but that would smoke immediately upon start up. This does not. If it were injectors it would again do it straight away, not suddenly after 60 seconds. I thought maybe EGR valve as I believe that is not open when engine first started, but kicks in soon after? I removed the EGR valve and intake manifold, and cleaned both (not too dirty to be fair), tested EGR valve with VAG COM. All good. So, what kicks in at around 60 seconds AFTER starting the engine that is not active when you first start it? Here are the video's of my symptoms AFTER the 60 seconds approx: Thanks guys!
  3. A friend pointed out that if it were an injector, wouldn't it play up all the time, not only when the engine was cold?
  4. Quick update on this... Today I removed the EGR valve. Yes, dirty and some carbonin there, but nothing ridiculous. All cleaned and ready to refit. I also connected up Vag Com which showed no issues on the auto scan. I did the live data and tested 013 injector quality quickly. Admittedly engine was not particularly hot (especially at first). I noted on idle injector readings fluctuated a bit, but at one stage I saw this: -1.01 -0.05 1.22 -0.28 I'm not an expert at all on these readings, but I think from my research that up to =-1.1 in acceptable? So injector 3 a little high there. But like I say, it fluctuated and dropped back down to normal levels, and all four seemed reasonably happy. So then I revved up to 2,000 ropm which is where the stuttery/judder happens as per my video above. I got this readon this time, which I could repeat with similar results each time: 2.31 All others around 0.78 mark So injector 1 standing out on it's own with a high figure running up to 2,000 rpm. I assume that can't be normal?
  5. Hi guys Hoping you can help me out a bit with this as done a lot of research online and found LOTS of people having the exact same/very similar issues with their 2.0 TDI engines across the Audi range. Mine is the A6 2.0 TDI 2008. However, in all the research I did nobody was providing a single solution. So hoping someone may recognise my symtoms... When all warmed up seems very happy indeed. However, from a cold start the revs can be a little juddery. You can feel a light shaking to the car. When you increase the revs it seems to 'stutter'. I have taken a video. You may be able to make out the light shaking/juddering. Watch as revs increase: This is accompanied by excessive smoke, which I would say is white. Check it out: Any ideas very welcome!
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