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    Audi A3
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  1. Are you sure it isn't misfiring? If you have a Check Engine Light, you can use a scanner to see whats making your car send it.
  2. Dearly noted. I will surely buy straight from Audi next time 🙂
  3. I think the tires would look super nice, and again, its not about how other people see the car, its about how you see your car! Agreeing with everybody else though, make sure they will look aesthetically pleasing, and check the fitment!
  4. Fixed! Not sure how or why, but when I changed the DSG filter and oil the cylinder that was misfiring finally started actually misfiring, so we changed the ignition coil on it, and the car is back up and purring loud as ever! Thanks for the help!
  5. I purchased a genuine Audi ignition coil, as well as the DSG oil/oil filter. I am about to install them, so hopefully the main problem was the crappy aftermarket ignition coil 🙂
  6. The ignition coil that I used to replace was not a genuine Audi part. Could that be the reason why this came back? Also, I do not understand why the supposed misfires are not sending a Check Engine Light. Last time it popped up.
  7. This just started happening, but I cannot stand it because it is seriously scaring and confusing me. Two nights ago, I was driving my 2010 Audi A3 (8P), and when I put my foot on the gas fairly hard, the car started shaking. I had no clue what it was, and I can recreate it when I accelerate harder than usual. I know for sure its not the tires, because it doesn't shake when I drive softly, but as soon as I begin to accelerate faster, it shakes. The car only has 46000 miles, and was kept excellently on the outside, which made me think that there wouldn't be any possible engine problems, but I had a cylinder misfire just 3 or so weeks ago. I don't know if it is related to that. There is no check engine light too, so that only added to the confusion. Anybody help? It is super weird. Here is a recap to help: -2010 Audi A3 (8P / DSG / 46k miles) -Shaking when accelerating harder than normal -Cylinder 1 misfired 3 or 4 weeks ago. Changed all 4 spark plugs and one ignition coil -Do not think it is wheels, doesn't shake when coasting -No CEL going off
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