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Bill Owen

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Everything posted by Bill Owen

  1. Hi guys, I've just bought a new battery but it has no bem code. It is a like for like swap for power and cold crank. Do I need to find the bem code 1st or just throw it on? Cheers
  2. Hi guys, can anyone recommend a good place to get my 3.0 tdi le mans re mapped in or near Liverpool? Many thanks.
  3. Hi mate, I think if you get like for like i.e same part number it should just be plug and play as it was for my radio but, i could be wrong........ best of luck.
  4. Hi pal, not sure if its changed but ya might wanna look on the right side of your boot as that's where they are on my 57 plate?
  5. Hi guys, that's the tuner replaced like for like and it's all good, no coding needed. Only prob is the CD changer is only lighting up for 2 sec then goes off again. It was playing up before the tuner issue so the saga continues! Seems never-ending at the mo! 🙄
  6. Hi guys, sorry for the slow response! Just a quick one, if I buy a second hand tuner can I just change it myself or do I have to get someone else to do it? Back compartment was damp btw. Rear seal on the boot being replaced before I change out the old unit. Rear wash wipe pipe is fine (for now!) Thanks again for the replies guys.
  7. Hi there, I have a 57 plate le mans avant with 2g high mmi. The problem is that the radio is struggling to find stations and the CD player in the glove box just keeps initializing and never starts playing. Bluetooth and sat nav are both fine. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. P.s. I've tried to reboot all to no avail. Regards
  8. Cheers pal, told ya I was no mechanic! Lol
  9. Hi Piotr, I'm not much of a mechanic mate, how do I remove these cylinders? Thanks.
  10. As above guys,girls. This is my 1st Audi so just asking, what should I be checking out on my car? It's a 3.0tdi a6 le mans avant with 100,000 on the clock (57 plate) She has full service history and seems sweet as a nut but, I really don't know Audi's and your advice would be greatly appreciated Cheers
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