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  1. I’m taking it to vw tomorrow anyway to be done, they said they won’t stop till they find the problem.. thank you anyway
  2. Hi, I’ve had the car for around 7 months it’s only happened in the last 2 months .. it started off by just stalling and then the revs starting going funny. Like at the minute the revs could be normal then you lift your foot of the clutch a tiny bit so the car moves forward and then press the clutch back down the revs will just go up rather than dropping back down, there’s no smoke or smell. i unplugged the maf sensor and took it out and the power was still the same, rather than getting better or worse so I’m gunna try a new one on there and see what happens because at the minute there’s hardly any power there compared to before and poor acceleration and on a rare accation it feels like it’s miss firing and then after it’s done that ill drive home and it’ll stall. many thanks keanu
  3. It’s a 2007 diesel, 170.. 2 litre tdi.... it’s the BMN engine
  4. Can anyone help me, I’ve got an A3 2007 it’s got loss of power and acceleration, the revs isn’t normal and it stalls when it wants to.. Ive took it for a smoke test and a vacuum test and nothing could be found. Many thanks
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