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  1. Hi guys, I've removed a stick-on car perfume and apparently it removed some kind of coating from the dashboard. The original surface is grippy but now the exposed area feels slippery Is there any way to restore this kind of coating? Thanks Bob
  2. Hi guys, Just want to check, on UK cars, is the 36 months trail came with the tech pack transferrable? I recently got a 67 reg Q5 which Audi connect still works - I assume the previous owner didn't log out. If I login with my account, will I get the remaining two years of the audi connect trail? Thanks
  3. Hi guys, I recently acquired a 67 reg Q5 and love it so far! The air suspension and all road mode is just perfect for London street. However I do have two questions. One is regarding the service logbook - the trader says Audi no longer use physical logbook but all computerised - is that true? Then what if I choose not to service at the dealer then - do I then lose the service history? Secondly the car didn't come with the 10 digit vehicle code key fob. I called Finchley road Audi and they say it can only be requested from the dealer where the car was bought from new. Is that the case? Personally I found the Finchley road Audi not very helpful - I tried to ask if they provide personal number plate service and they said no as well - despite showing up on DVLA as plate provider; so not sure if they just don't bother with any service less than lucrative. What do you think? Thanks a lot
  4. Hi guys, Just got a 67 reg Q5 FY model, but seems the Apple CarPlay keeps disconnecting and the screen "No supported device found" keeps popping up. It redirects me to the connection manage page but I'm not sure there is any CarPlay related config there I'm using an iPhone XR with iOS 12.1.3. Has anyone else experience the same issue? Also, does Q5 has wireless CarPlay? YouTube seems to suggest I just need to pair with bluetooth and the wireless CarPlay option should automatically pop up - not the case here... Any help is deeply appreciated! Cheers
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