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    Audi A3 Sportback 1.5
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  1. Hi, I thought this would be the most suitable thread for this post and just wanted to ask whether anyone with a 2017+ A3 1.5 DSG has had any issues with a squeeking noise (only way I can think to describe it) when moving off from stationary or at low speed. This is something we've been experiencing for a good 6 months if not longer now and it was mentioned to Audi recently when the car went in for a service. Still there when we picked the car up again, so we called the dealership and they sent the AA out to inspect it at the roadside who also heard the noise and suggested that it may be the clutch. The car then went in to be looked at by Audi and after two days they said they were unable to reproduce it from both cold and warm starts. However, despite saying that they were unable to replicate the noise themselves (and according to the invoice did not carry out any work) it now no longer seems to be there but want us to let it know if it returns. 🤔This happened any time we moved off, so it seems a little coincidental that as soon as it goes in to be looked at for this specific issue suddenly it's no longer happening when they're telling us no work was carried out. Any advise / thoughts on what this may have been would be much appreciated.
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