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Simon newton

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Everything posted by Simon newton

  1. Thanks Steve, I’ll give that a go, but knowing my luck it the more expensive way!
  2. Hi all, ive got a 2011, Q5 3.0, I’ve recently been having issues with my front windscreen washer, it’s been very intermittent lately, it sometimes works and sometimes it doesn’t, but the rear works fine?? I bought a new pump and it’s exactly the same, the weird part is is when it doesn’t work the rear wiper comes on but when it does work it doesn’t?? Any ideas anyone? Could it be a dodgy rear wiper motor, I changed it for a new one a while ago, could it be playing with the electrics?? Appreciate any help
  3. Thanks Steve, I’ve definitely got a few things I need to ask
  4. Hi, I have the standard bake and indicator bulbs on my 2009 A5 3.0tdi Quattro, I’ve seen led replacement bulbs on eBay , can I change them to led or will I get the blown bulb dashboard fault?? If so has anybody got a link to get the correct ones thanks
  5. Hi, thanks for accepting my membership, I have an Audi A5 3.0tdi quattro Hi to you all!!! : )
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