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Ace8800 last won the day on April 10 2019

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    Q7 S line
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  1. @punkatron1 it was about 550 from my usual guy who does wrapping for me, i was getting quotes upto 700 from others.
  2. Finally all complete with the final touch of the Maxton front lip and rear side pods.
  3. De-chroming done. Just the Maxton kit to go on now, later this week.
  4. I just purchased a Q7 and added some 22. Anyone have the link to the springs and how much did they cost? Also how much is the drop? 30mm all around? Any pictures?
  5. I ended up with 275 40 22.. no regrets at all.
  6. Hiya all, Just wanted to share the mods i have install for recently bought Q7. I bought it as a used Approved from Audi and it comes with a decent spec too, love the soft closing doors, great with kids. So anyway i have a few things planned and will keep updating this post as i go along. Happy for others to join in to show of their mods too. So far i managed to add some side steps and some RS Q8 22" alloys (9.5j et 26) with 275 40 22, this option of tyres kept my speedo 1.84% out, if i had gone with 285 40, it would have been 2.8%. So glad i went with 275 40.. for me it looks and drive great.. the poke is not too aggressive either. I had 285 45 20 before. I was worried it would have a huge gap, but its perfect for my liking. Pics are from the day i fitted the wheels and side steps. Yes i know its dirty.. not had a great deal of sunshine here in Brum. Watch out for next mods coming soon.
  7. Thanks for the that Gareth, the 0.7mm is not the gap left over with the new alloys, that would be ridiculous wrong to do... the 0.7 is how much the new set up will be furher pushed away from the current set up (which basically is no difference) and totally safe. Attached is a 285 set up.. im inclined to go with 275 as it will match the current height and more closer to stock ride height.. . But if someone else can tell me 285 40 has no issues rubbing and fills the arch gap nicely then id go that way.
  8. im in the same situ, but i've also considered 275 40 22 as well as 285 40 22. i have seen on US forums that people use 285 and 275 40 22 with no issues what so ever, but would be good to see if anyone here in the UK has tried or tested.
  9. oh, currently i have the 20" Sline standard one, which are as follows: 20 x 9j ET 33 with 285 45 20. I was looking for some 22's genuine Vorsprung ones, but i can justify paying 3500 for a used set. These have a set up of 22 x 10 et 26 and are recommeneded to have 285 35 22. the wheels i have bought are replicas from a RS Q8, i have seen them on a few Q7 and really suit the car giving its a genuine look to them. The wheels i bought are 22 x 9.5j et 26.. and i was contemplating 285 or 275/40/22. would be good to hear if anyone else has used these tryes. i've checked on Willtheyfit. and these alloys will poke out by 13.7mm from the current 20" i have, and will be 0.7mm away from the suspention leg. with the 285 i will have a +11.7mm gap loss and ride height and with 275 i iwill have +7.15mm. the other thing is the speedo reading on 285/40 will be -2.83% and on the 275/40 will be -1.84%.
  10. on the discussion of alternative tyres, has anyone tried 275 40 22 or 285 40 22. reason i ask is because i bought a set of aftermarket alloys and wasnt too keen on a very low profile tyre of 35's. thanks in advance.
  11. Much appreciate the advice Gareth. It a difficult one tbh, i dont want to compromise on the ride comfort and i think i that can still be achieved with 21s.. but it would be good to have some owners to give their views on both. Looks wise the 22 looks brilliant, and i would like my car to look slick BUT comfort wise i think the 21 still look nice too and will drive comfortably, unless someone tell me otherwise. My mind says 21s My heart says 22 Confused.com .... i know.
  12. Hi all, Im new to the Audi Q7 club, just bought the MK2 Q7 65 reg. After being a Lexus man, they didn't have a great option for 7 seats. The X5 in my budget range looked dated so went for Q7 for a number of reasons: Looks newer, drove better, 3rd row is electric, but also its much quieter. I also manged to find one with Tech pack, soft closing doors, leather pack, parking pack, full leather, Matrix headlights, Bose. Anyway its got 20" alloys and wanted to get the 22s, but wanted to get others views how the ride quality is.. im also considering 21s too, either must be genuine alloys. I dont want it driving like a sports car. You responce would be much appreciated.
  13. ***PROBLEM FIXED*** finally got to the bottom of the problem. I had it booked in to Audi for a health check and they told me about the light and the cost to repair was £1857.56, because the bulbs can't be replaced for repaired so the whole headlight needs to be changed.... yes ridiculous! So i called the place where i bought the car from and they told me to drop it off and they will investigate. Got a call next day and they almost gave up considering giving me a refund on the car.. but were going to try one more thing.. and yes its all good now.. that one thing they replaced was the Ballast.. the fricking Ballast which cost under £200.... WAKE UP AUDI!! AND STOP THESE LIES TO CON YOUR CUSTOMERS. So if anyone has the same issue, here is your fix!
  14. which makes sense, because I have can tell the belt that goes around the 3 pulleys at the front of the engine (lower) has a slight noise coming from it. so you think it might be linked?
  15. hi all, So far I have enjoyed my A6 and can really feel the positives coming from a BMW, its only been a couple of weeks, so far so good. Anyway as any used car, they do have faults and the reason I started this post is because I have started to hear a whining noise as I turn (slowly only). The nose is coming from the passenger wheel. when stand still and turning wheel - no noise when driving below 15mph and turning wheel - noise when driving around bends at normal speed (above 15mph) - no noise The sound is a constant whining, not clicking or knocking or humming. The car is a A6 C7, 64reg Black Ed, so its has the 20". any ideas?
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