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    North Wales
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    Audi A3 TDI SE 1.6L diesel
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  1. Good evening all. As noted in a previous post I have recently exchanged my old Audi A3 for a newer A3 (Tdi SE). I can the ‘Nav’ option on the MMI but understand that an SD card and licence must be purchased from Audi for the Sat Nav to work. I approached a local retailer to me the other day and was told it would cost between £600 and £700 Are there any other options out there to add sat nav to MMI without paying stupid money. I suppose the other option is a Tom Tom, but silly as MMI is incuded in the Audi. Thanks. Richard
  2. Thanks Steve for the info. I’ve been reading up about this. The garage I purchased the Audi from advised me to drive it for a few miles in 4th gear every three to four weeks in order to help clear the system. It’s a bit hit and miss really isn’t it as sometimes the Audi is used for the school run. A friend of mine has an Audi A5 Quattro and is in the garage as I speak being repaired. He confirmed a similar price to what you have noted. Expensive consequences. Richard
  3. Good evening all. I have owned an Audi A3 Sportsback since 2014. It was a 2.0L diesel, 138 bhp, 55 plate. It was a fantastic car, bomb proof to be honest however due to the fact it had done many, many miles I eventually surcumbed to changing it a month ago due to spiralling cost. I part exchanged it for a 2014 Audi A3, TDI SE 1.6L diesel, 105 bhp. It goes quite well for a small engine. Best wishes to all. Richard
  4. Good evening all. I have owned an Audi A3 Sportsback since 2014. It was a 2.0L diesel, 138 bhp, 55 plate. It was a fantastic car, bomb proof to be honest however due to the fact it had done many, many miles I eventually surcumbed to changing it a month ago due to spiralling cost. I part exchanged it for a 2014 Audi A3, TDI SE 1.6L diesel, 105 bhp. It goes quite well for a small engine. However in recent weeks I’ve been experiencing issues when I stop in front of my house with the fan still going. I contacted the garage to be told that it related to DPF in relation to extreme heat and soot build up on the exhaust system. I was told by the garage to give the car a thrashing every 3 to 4 weeks in fourth gear for a number of miles as this would clear the system as there is no way of knowing when the actual build up of soot will take place. This was done Wednesday night last week however by today the same problem again happened in front of the house. The car was thrashed again this evening on an unnecessary extra journey and is now ok again. it seems to be a waste having to thrash the car in this way in order to reduce soot build up as it undermines the normal fuel savings I am now making through normal standard driving. The garage have also said that the car needs to do long journeys. However on some days it will only do about 20 miles a day as I am working from home, and other times I will do 90 miles a day round trip or other work related journeys. I understand that it all relates to emissions, however it all sounds strange and a hassle to be honest compared to my old trusted 55 plate Audi A3. Does this relate to diesel engines in general and other makes beyond 2013 build? Any suggestions or guidance gladly received. Many thanks, Richard
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