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Everything posted by monty

  1. thanks. I'm going to try resetting the roof tomorrow. hopefully this will work. if not off to see the experts
  2. thanks for the reply Gareth, but the roof was working fine before. I don't hold much hope on the dealer/warranty. I was just hoping someone might have had a similar issue or how-to quick fix the problem with out costing an arm and leg.
  3. hi all I'm new to forum. but hopefully someone can help. I have 1997 a4 cabrio. I have an issue with the roof not opening. I took it to the garage(used car dealer) but he said it wouldn't he in warranty. I appears that there's a loose cable on the boot carriage lever which acts as a safety device which is stopping the roof opening. I don't need the extra boot space so not worried about it but now summers back id love to put the roof down. any ideas?
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