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  1. Hi everyone need some help as I'm going crazy! Had a heavy oil leak from the valley of the engine it was running down from the top all down the front of the engine covering the belts and pulleys so thought it was oil cooler related so stripped it down replacing all possible seals and gaskets but it's still leaking! Anyone have any ideas.
  2. Thanks for that it's a belter start than taking the front end off thanks very much for that for the info. Chris.
  3. Thanks Steve, that's awesome just the job. Many thanks Chris.
  4. Hi does anyone have any schematic or haynes manual type pictures of 2007 q7 going to try and find out why my a/c won't hold any gas, so was going to have a closer look look at the a/c radiator. Any info would be a great help, Thanks Chris.
  5. Right sorted the air suspension, nice easy fix nearside front height level sensor had become detached from the upper control arm, so removed it the plastic rods where very stiff so lubed it up re-fitted all OK. Hope this helps someone. Chris.
  6. Yeah will do don't know when probably going to take a good few days, keeping the kids busy is the most difficult thing I've encountered 😩. But I'll definitely keep you guys posted!
  7. Thanks Steve il make a start there and see how I get on.
  8. Hi guys, had an issue yesterday driving the car yellow suspension light came on drove home OK couple of hours later front end was on the floor the rear seamed at its usual height, anyone had this before just wondering why both fronts have dropped together. Thanks Chris.
  9. Hi anyone have an 22" inch twin spoke alloy for sale mines cracked and need one ASAP
  10. Q7tdi

    Hidden menus

    Yeah I think your right! Shame thought that would be a nice touch
  11. I've activated the green hidden menu and was hoping to get the power Fold mirrors to operate when locking and unlocking the car I think it's mmi 2g but not sure, anyone got any tips on this please.
  12. Does anyone know the most common place for the a/c to develop a leak? Mine will last two days and then be empty! Have had a quick look but nothing obvious my first thoughts are condenser but looks like a big job.
  13. Sorted!! Found that the driver sill trims have been removed at some point and when it's been refitted 3 speaker wires had been trapped in the clips and shorting on the car body.
  14. Hi was wondering if anyone has any ideas about a buzzing noise coming from the speakers on the q7 started with the small rear door now seems to be at the front in the centre of the dash! Doesn't go off when you switch the car off either? Anyone come across this before?
  15. Sucsess! 😁😁no own a q7, love it! Has a few little issues boot clics when first opens, a/c is warm so going to try and sort these issues out. But thanks everyone for a warm welcome.
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