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  1. Answering myself after checking it (no car lifting, just phone recordings and using a mini-hill in my terrain). The piece is indeed a protection (or just the jack socket :P but it looks a great way to protect from that kind of hits) and it's not glued, it has a plastic/gelatine object (my English is not perfect) which helps keeping it attached to the car. I just took the plastic/gelatine thing off the car (lucky it didn't fell) and installed it into the piece. The last thing to do is to make pressure upwards, which I couldn't do strong enough without lifting the car. I didn't want to use the emergency lifter because I didn't want to put my body under a car lifted with it. So instead, I used the emergency lifter to push the piece inside the car. Worked wonders, now is as "safe/hard to move" as the other side front jack. The piece took a hit which is visible tho, but nothing is broken. Hope it helps someone. PS: just found emergency lifter = jack
  2. Hi, Just got one of those fall off my car (a3 sedan) because I hit something in the road (very low speed so not worried about damage, i hit it and ), I was offroad, does fitting those require some kind of glue or it's just fit them and forget? Worth trying to place it back or it's just useless piece which can wait until the next check? I guess it's just protection
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