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  1. Hi, From what I found when researching, if it’s just the core you need access/removal to, then it’s just the glove box (for rhd) or the steering column assembly/cover (for lhd). If you need access/removal, then it’s the whole dash out. My A4 had poor heat at front and no heat at the rear. With the new core I now have good heat from both. Yours does sound like it could be a flap/paddle issue. Do you have a Carista dongle by any chance? I do, and there’s a calibration check that can be done with Carista that will check and reset the flap/paddle positions.
  2. The one I bought only came with the foam to wrap round the core. I did buy the additional fitting kit which had new clamps and O rings, but taking the old one off and inspecting the old kit, it was in good working order, so I didn’t need the new kit. The fitting kits can be bought on eBay, part number 4M0898037B
  3. Ok, so finally I’ve fitted the new core. The old one was completely blocked. When blowing in to one side, nothing out of the other side. I rinsed it a few times and flushed it. Little blobs of some pink stuff came out. I’m guessing that’s the burst silica bag. With the new core in, the heat is much better, but it’s still not a patch on my wife’s gla. I guess it’s just not a hot motor! I bought two cores from AutoDoc, in case one was damaged like my first attempt. Means I have a spare. Listed here if anyone’s interested https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/186917272022?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=wxS-jJ-HRf6&sssrc=0&ssuid=wxS-jJ-HRf6&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  4. Hmmm good shout. So a bit of grease round the mouth on the core, then the o ring should slip in easier? I can’t see any specific connection/connector/locator, but will check tomorrow. if I take the o ring out, the pipe sits in flush to the core and I can fit the connector…but it leaks badly…obviously!
  5. evening all, so I stripped mine down this weekend ready to install my new one…which was broken again 🤦‍♂️ putting it back together whilst I source another, I cannot for the life of me relocate the pipes in to the core. No amount of pushing will compress the washer enough that I can get the clips on. did anyone else struggle with this? Any tips greatly appreciated!!
  6. Right, scratching my head now. So with a defective part received, I thought I’d dismantle it just to have a dry run. Took the car out to do the errands today and it was heating very well. I wouldn’t say hot, but certainly very warm. Still took it apart to see what’s going on. With the car running and temps showing 90degrees, both feeder pipes to the heater core were red hot. I couldn’t get to the whole core obviously, but the exposed metal parts were also red hot. So I have no idea what’s going on. The only thing I can think of is when the mechanic was investigating he inadvertently fixed it. I’m going to have the coolant changed this week, hasn’t been done in a couple of years, so I’ll put some flush in it and then get it changed. 🤷‍♂️
  7. Looks like I won’t be sorting it out this weekend 🤦‍♂️
  8. Thanks, that matches my part number also. From my side, yes. I hit 90 pretty quickly…dependant on ambient temps. Stays at 90 constantly. When I did a core flush 6mnths ago, all the pipes were hot enough to the touch as well.
  9. Great shout! They had one 👍
  10. Sweet, thanks. I’m going to flush the coolant as well. If the core is blocked or damaged by the coolant that’s in there (silica bag broken or whatever) then I don’t want the new one getting clogged up quickly. So I’ll flush it out and then change the core whilst the system is empty.
  11. Yeah I’ve had the same with them. We’ll see. Just planning through the job and as far as I can see it’s: glove box out, blower motor out, side cover off, pipes undone, cover off, and then it’ll slide out. Was that your experience?
  12. Sounds promising then; I’ll buy tonight. The number on your order (727210) is for OEM part number 8w0898037, which is the same number I found…so that’s good. Can’t seem to find one from the UK though, so Germany it is!! How long did yours take to arrive?
  13. So I’ve just spoken to the garage. They’re not able to find anything specifically wrong. They advised that it’s probably a stuck thermostat, or the heater core. So I think I’m going to have a go at doing the heater core, as that’s where the majority of the issues seem to get resolved. Does anyone have the part number for the core please? I’d like to check before I buy a replacement and strip it all down! Thanks
  14. Are they sure it’s the booster? Not heard of the booster itself going bad. Have you had the sensor changed? If not, try it yourself. It’s really simple if you can diy a bit. The sensors are about £20ish when I last checked. Am replacing mine again soon…it’s part of my yearly routine!!
  15. Hi, Sorry for late reply. I haven’t solved my issue. Booked in at a mechanics on Dec 9th. I have some heat from front vents, and cold from back/rear-footwells. I’m thinking it’ll be the matrix, like you’ve all mentioned here. As soon as I’ve got it back, I’ll post here and update you. cheers
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