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Everything posted by ian.f

  1. Had this issue. Filled the tank to the brim, then immediately had 650mi until no start…the day before I had to make a 640mi round trip up north. The last 20mi home was squeaky bum time I can tell you. In the end, I’ve had a guy “map out” the “no restart” function from the main ECU. Gets rid of the panic over no restart, just leaves the fault in place. Not bothering to have it fixed as the car is fine with the fault in place. Will wait for Audi to issue a recall to fix the, clearly common, fault. I’m guessing I’ve got more chance of !Removed! from a rocking horse than a recall, but let’s see! If anyone’s interested, the guy is Andy at https://ecuflash.co
  2. Reading this thread has me back in June 2020 having an absolute nightmare with this. Had the same sequence everyone has here. Brake servo restricted message. Then the park immediately message. Long long story short, I ended up sending the bricked abs unit to ECU Testing, who said they’d never seen this issue before. But they managed to fix it. So for anyone who has the abs unit problem, get your mechanic to remove the abs unit (if you can’t do it yourself) and send it to them. I recall it was like £700 for the whole fix. Much cheaper than a replacement. Hope this helps someone.
  3. Yeah I’d assume it’d have a similar function. Defo worth a look 👍👍
  4. No problem. Just a little update, post flush. We’re away this weekend, so have put 150mi solid drive since the flush. The car is now much hotter. Still nowhere near where my wife’s GLA gets, but I wasn’t cold on the drive. @Redwolf do you have Carista by chance? I do, and found a HVAC calibration which checked and set all the flaps on the vents. That would (I think) throw an error is any we’re stuck. Don’t know if that helps or not.
  5. Ok, flush completed. No difference. Heat in cabin is luke warm at best. So keen to hear any ideas on this one!
  6. Hi, Apologies, I can’t offer a solution (yet), but I have the exact same issue. You could actually be driving my car!! I’m currently mid-way through a heater core flush but ran out of time yesterday. Finishing it later today. Hopefully this’ll do the trick and I can report good news later, but I’d like to follow this chat in case it didn’t. 🤞
  7. Hi Forum! im looking at getting myself an A4 avant, TDI auto, either SLine or Ultra sport (150 or 190). Been looking for a few weeks now and I’ve noticed that some have upgraded DIS from the standard 5in monochrome to the 7in colour. Typically, (as I’m buying 2nd hand) I can’t find any that have the other spec ‘bits’ I want, as well as the 7in DIS. I was wondering if this could be retrofitted, and if so would it cost a bomb to do? Thanks to anyone that can give me any info!
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